United 93


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
This is what I posted as a blog in the CDC. I was wondering if anyone else is going to see the movie.

Normally I wouldn't like a movie like this because I would feel like Hollywood is trying to make a buck on a tragedy. But for some reason, I don't get that feeling from this movie and I think I'm going to go see it, even though I know I'll need to bring a box of tissues with me. I was tearing just reading about the movie and how the families of the passengers were involved giving descriptions about their loved ones so that it was as accurate as it could be.

I remember hearing or reading in the news at one point when they (whoever they is, I don't remember now) said that the passengers didn't bring the plane down. Fuck whoever said that. Even if it was true, I don't need nor want to hear that. I would rather keep thinking that the brave passengers helped bring that plane down so it didn't go into any other buildings. They were true heroes in my book and I guess by seeing this movie will be my way of honoring them (not the other passengers on the other planes weren't important - they were, but there aren't any movies to see about them - not yet anyway).

If you don't know, United 93 is the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11.

Anyone else going to see the movie?
Going to see it tonight. I read that the families had a large input and that a portion of the funds go to the 9/11 related charities.
After seeing documentaries on this on the Discovery Channel I want to see it. I don't know if we'll go the theatre but we'll buy the DVD and I hope some of the DVD proceeds go to any related charities as well.
I'm not really sure that anyone should speculate on such delicate subject as this. I'm not saying that the story is made up, I want to believe it isn't. But I don't think that creators of the film despite their better access to documents know the whole story a lot better than we all do. So, let us just keep it in our minds w/out putting it out on screen or printing it out as some pulp fiction.
I might be wrong though...
I really disagree with them making a movie like this, especially so soon after the whole shabazz went down, but I am a pussy and I will probably see it. I heard that whole speculation business about weather or not the passangers actually took it down or the terrorist just could not fly it. I don't really think it matters. There was recorded conversations from the phones on the planes where you could hear struggle noises between people who sounded american and people who sounded uh...... not american. So I don't know, unless the government went all commy on us and doctored some fake shit up to let us believe what they want us to believe, then all the evidence points towards the heroic passangers theory.

What else were they suppose to do anyway? You're on a plane. The plane is NOT landing, that is the only sure thing. You know about the other planes hitting buildings. Why not go out in a blaze of glory? It's all gonna be over in the next few minutes anyway - you might as well try.

You know, guys, there is another 9/11 movie coming out too that takes place in the WTC.
I was talking with one of the women that I work with this morning and she had a friend whose friend was on Flight 93. Apparently these friends belonged to the same woman's club here in good ole Bayonne. Anyway, the woman who was on the plane had a fear of flying and this was her first flight. Very sad.
I want to see it, but like you 80's chick i would seriously need some kleenex, because i just bawl at the even mention of that film seeing the clips that i've seen already.
I’ve heard that only a small portion of the opening weeks takings are going to the family’s of the people on the planes, and I think that sucks.
Even if you don’t agree with this film, you have to agree that it’s gonna make mega bucks for the makers (possible summer smash), so why not give a portion of the gross takings.
That said this is the only fault I have with the film, until I see it that is.
IMHO if it’s done right, this could be a very fitting tribute to what they went through on that flight.
Suppose I'll have to wait till I see it before I make a full opinion.
United 93

Oh... I thought that movie was about John Bush joining Anthrax, and the making of "The Sound of White Noise".
Ragman_kd said:
I’ve heard that only a small portion of the opening weeks takings are going to the family’s of the people on the planes, and I think that sucks.
Even if you don’t agree with this film, you have to agree that it’s gonna make mega bucks for the makers (possible summer smash), so why not give a portion of the gross takings.
That said this is the only fault I have with the film, until I see it that is.
IMHO if it’s done right, this could be a very fitting tribute to what they went through on that flight.
Suppose I'll have to wait till I see it before I make a full opinion.

The other day I was reading in the paper that the government wants to buy the land that the plane crashed on to make a memorial site for it. The families want to raise half of the money and the government pay the other half. However, one politician is holding everything up, saying that the government is the biggest land over in the country already and we don't need to spend any more taxpayer money on property. The filmakers are given X% (don't remember the number) of the proceeds from the film to this memorial. Personally I think that this is one of the worst times that this guy could oppose something. Oppose land acquisition another time, not now.
Flight 93 disapeared when it hit the ground. There was no wreckage, no bodies, no luggage. Look at the videos of the crash site. Its just a big hole in the ground. They found ONE piece of scrap metal, and that was it.


Lots of conspiracy theories, but this makes a LOT of good points. I dont agree with all of it, but Id rather hear all takes on it rather than "the official story"

This movie is basically writing history, because we all dont know for sure what happened on the plane. THATS why I refuse to see it. Movies breed ignorance, and its going to make the story into accepted fact.
Saw it last night. Very hard to get through. I cried and was angry and sympathetic all in an hour and a half. They did not make a "Big Holywood movie" of it. It was done well and I feel with very little speculation on the events at hand. Mostly based on info provided by people involved (Gov, air traffic, etc) and people that recieved calls from friend and family on the flight durring the ordeal. I left very sad for the people that were victims, the falimies that lost and yes, even the young men that felt they had so little to look forward to in life that death was the best option. Very trying. I walked away sad and not angry much to my surprise. I figured I would have all the feelings of revenge and anger that I did when the event happened but that wasnt the case. I say everyone should she see if no other reason than to keep remembering that day.,
Really good movie. First time in I don't know how long that the entire theater was quiet the whole way through. I didn't hear anyone talk. It was pretty damn sad though. And the ending, damn man. Even knowing what happened, it still sucked.
JohnThrax said:
Flight 93 disapeared when it hit the ground. There was no wreckage, no bodies, no luggage. Look at the videos of the crash site. Its just a big hole in the ground. They found ONE piece of scrap metal, and that was it.


Lots of conspiracy theories, but this makes a LOT of good points. I dont agree with all of it, but Id rather hear all takes on it rather than "the official story"

This movie is basically writing history, because we all dont know for sure what happened on the plane. THATS why I refuse to see it. Movies breed ignorance, and its going to make the story into accepted fact.

Holy Christ, you do seem to lack an understanding of science (um, I want you think hard. there is a perfectly good explanation why they didn't find remains and too much wreckage) Also, what the hell do you think history is anyway?
ZeeZooZum said:
Holy Christ, you do seem to lack an understanding of science (um, I want you think hard. there is a perfectly good explanation why they didn't find remains and too much wreckage) Also, what the hell do you think history is anyway?
Ok, so you are saying that there is a reasonable explanation for them not being able to recover ANY signigicant wreckage when the plane crashed directly into the ground, as opposed to TWA Flight 800, which crashed into water and they were able to recover 70% of the plane? Or how about EVERY OTHER PLANE CRASH IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD where there is massive amounts of wreckage.

Dont think to hard now...
Riehlthing said:
and what is to gain by hiding the fact an airline was shot down? think of that there buddy. it's bull.

I'm not saying the plane was shot down, but what's to gain? Well, how would you like to go on the news and tell people that you shot down a plain of civilians? It cause a major rift. Especially when the passengers where trying to take control and one of the passengers was a liscenced pilot.

Now in reality, if your on ground control, and someone says they are a passenger and that they have control of the plain, you wouldn't be able to verify it anyway. So I could see why the govenment would shoot it down rather then risk way more deaths if it did crash into something else.