UPDATE! My Caffine Fast

Day 8 - Jan 6th: I'm not tempted my caffine anymore, but today I had the worst headache I've ever felt before; possibly because my body is saying, "I hate you, give me the damn caffine you bastard!" But that's just my guess...
hey, I'm joining you, bro. I do these kinds of "caffeine fasts" every 6 months or so...but then only for one week or something ;)

...but I never included chocolate products as well ;)
Errr, shame on me for raining on anyones parade here, but the most recent studies show that caffeine is actually GOOD for ya! I'm not talking bucketloads per day....more the equivalent of 2 -3 or 4 cups of coffee. Too much of ANYthing is potentially bad and caffeine is no exception, but, the latest studies show caffeine might actually protect against the onset of Alzheimers disease. Of course if you disregard this advice and stay off caffeine altogether, you'll have the luxury of forgetting why the fuck you gave it up in the first place!!

Seriously though, if you're a caffeine junky, like I once was, try following nOthing's lead and give it up for a while.

Compared to going from 40-50 cigs per day to Zero cigs per day (cold turkey) it's a fucken walk in the park..its been 14 months since i had a ciggy. Been back on the caffeine for a while now (in moderation) without any signs of escalation or dependance....now where the FUCK is my rum & coke???!!!!
Thanks for the encouragement next...and I have an update, I wasn't able to get on and write my update.

Day 9 - Jan 7th: I've had a splitting headache all day, but that's it...I'm actually getting used to be without caffine now.

Day 10 - Jan 8th: My headache wasn't as bad as today, but it's been here all day. *sigh*
Damn you Deep!!! I HATE YOU!

Day 13 - Jan 11th: After coming home from a wrestling meet, I got the worst headache ever, so I took about 4 ibuprofin...that made it go away for a while. Then it came back, so I took 2 more. I showed that damn headache...

Day 14 - Jan 12th: That damn pestering headache is coming back..but it's not as bad. I feel pretty good about it today.