Update on the new record...?

You know, Pest, you have an awful lot of trouble keeping your personal problems to yourself. You always throw these little tantrums in response to the most trivial things. Aaah, I love it... :grin: This is one of the better ones, tho... flipping out because someone can't read your mind.... ahhahahahaha oh man I should start writing these down.
ya besides it seems that everything in the testament camp moves slow, updates on the website for one! if ya havent heard anything yet then its gonna be like 2005 before it launches!!!
New Question.

Which band will put out their record first? (each band has few updates)
A. Van Halen
B. Guns N Roses
C. Testament
D. A & B
E: A & C
F. None Of The Above

I can't wait either. Anyway, yah, I think you're right about the guns 'n roses album. It's never coming out though because Axle Rose is assface. All Van Halen needs is a new singer. I think I heard somewhere that Eddie Van Halen has enough songs written for 3 albums. I think it was on the news back when they were talking about how he had cancer from too much :Smokin: back in the day.
Razorhead95 said:
I can't wait either. Anyway, yah, I think you're right about the guns 'n roses album. It's never coming out though because Axle Rose is assface. All Van Halen needs is a new singer. I think I heard somewhere that Eddie Van Halen has enough songs written for 3 albums. I think it was on the news back when they were talking about how he had cancer from too much :Smokin: back in the day.
1. Guns N Roses isn't GNR with just Axl.

2. Axl isn't a genius, let alone very talented. My ass sings better than Axl.

3. Nobody cares because GNR isn't relevant anymore.

4. Eddie Van Halen is still a lying drunken egomaniac. Ed can say he's
doing all this work so everyone will be impressed, but it's just smoke
and mirrors to detract you from realizing:

1. Ed has no singer
2. Ed has no record deal
3. Ed has no record label
4. Ed has not talked to his bass player in 2 years.
5. Michael Anthony is now pretty much doing whatever Sammy is doing.

There was an audio interview posted on the net last month with Eddie.
He was drunk as shit at 8 am. He's sad. He's pathetic. He's over.
End of story.