urbans best performance

No-Mercy said:
ah cool. id like to hear em, its always interesting to see what songs/lyrics/performances band members feel the strongest about of their own.
As it's very interesting for me to read your opinions. Yes, it really is. Might even give me a hint or two as to what I'm doing right/best. :cool: I'm not sure what I think myself but it'll be something from 'Modus Vivendi'. Otherwise my best performance, really :grin: , happens to be, once in a while, when playing live.
Urban breed said:
As it's very interesting for me to read your opinions. Yes, it really is. Might even give me a hint or two as to what I'm doing right/best. :cool: I'm not sure what I think myself but it'll be something from 'Modus Vivendi'. Otherwise my best performance, really :grin: , happens to be, once in a while, when playing live.

ah that is interesting, i too thoughtmodus vivendi was the strongest album vocally (if i were to have to pick one).

oh and by the way, the cover songs...you own on them. im not kissing ass, you seriously do them so much better than the originals, thats un-common.
that one moment at the end of anubis where the voice cuts in like another instrument with that eastern sounding kind of melody before closing out the song is an awesome display. first time i heard i couldn't help but think that this guy truly is the real deal. still cant wait to hear the tunes he s yet to write.
I pretty much like 'em all and to pick a best would only be a best for that particular moment and mood. One thing I will say though, is that I like the vocals better on "Unwelcome Guest" better than on "Mother Shipton's Words".
Urban breed said:
Otherwise my best performance, really :grin: , happens to be, once in a while, when playing live.

Hmmmm... really?
Best performance ever must've been in a stairway ... at least that was really fun... :grin:
But seriously, best performance is when you manage to make even the smallest audience to try to sing along! That is really impressive.... that's something I wouldn't be able to do.
ok. i have recently listened to my whole tad morose (urban) collection.

there were a few things that caught my attention...(i was listening for vocals).

one, on when the spirit rules the world. i really like how he sings the verses, but, the chorus i love. the pitch changes he does really get me...let me try to do it in font.

whhen the spirit ruules the world and your prayers have aall been heard !

you get the jist.

then, i know your name. i love it when hes singing in kind of an averaged pitched voice, like he does in the verse, than once in a while, the last line he gets high, love it.

than, it sounded to me like the backround vocals were singing somewhat of the same note, but much lower down and toned down. oh man it kicks ass.

yeah, i stayed up all last night and have yet to sleep (its noon) so i hadsome free time and thought id share it.