US/Canada Tour Part II

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow is my first concert ever (I am only 14) and I am very excited. Since it is my first one, when do I show up so I can get a good location at the front? When do people start to line up?

<--- Noob, obviously.

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow is my first concert ever (I am only 14) and I am very excited. Since it is my first one, when do I show up so I can get a good location at the front? When do people start to line up?

<--- Noob, obviously.


I don't, like Gnoff, enjoy being in the front, it's crowdy and you get pushed around ALL the time, so it's difficult keeping your spot in the very front. Where I usually stand, to be close enough and not get pushed around, is 3rd or 4th row.

Anyway, to get that front row place of yours, just do as Gnoff says and be there a few hours before they open the doors.
I go for the sides, you can get quite close and see well without having to stand for hours on end and forgo trips to the bar/merch stand...

Some venues are well designed and you can get a great view from the back/centre even if you are under six feet tall.
I'm 6'5 so can usually see OK from most places, unless there's a venue with pillars and shit like the one I went to in LA :tickled:

Or as a certain bass player commented on a photo obviously taken by me from the balcony in SF, "only chickens hang out at the balcony"

Sure, it's hard core to get to and stay in front, but I just enjoy hanging back, watching and listening to the band, most of the times easily avoiding getting a boot in the head or an elbow across the neck.

I'm old(ish), comfortable and also like to stand with a beer if possible ;)

Oh, and yes, most likely I'm the yellow color of a chicken too :Spin:
14 and Amon Amarth for your first show will spoil a lot of bands for you. They are my favourite live act that I have seen (that list includes most of the "big" acts like Priest, Maiden. Slayer...).

If you're planning on spending both sets down in front, be prepared to sweat a tonne and get dehydrated, get kicked in the head by crowd surferers, squashed, elbowed, headbutted, battered, bruised and generally wind up feeling like you've been in a car accident by the end of the night. As far as I'm concerned, it's worth every bruise because a big part of seeing a band live is the collective ecperience with the other fans as much as seeing the band. There's nothing else quite like it.

I don't know how the other shows have been, but at the Vancouver show, I was able to get into the second row between sets by simply going and standing there. pretty much everyone went to get something to drink except the guys against the rail.

Have a blast. My first concert was also at the age of 14 but a little more sedate having been Dire Straits in 1985. Just bang your head and enjoy the experience.
as others have said, the fronts not necessarily the best place. I only get near the front when im moshing, which I expect to see every one of you who are over 16 in that mosh! XD

I know they wont, but id be shocked and very pleased if they played Under the northern star near the end, it is slower then alot of the other songs, but its no less powerful and in my opinion its still one of their best songs to date, since they brought power to the much slower sounding song, an amazing Lyrical work too.

With your height, you shouldn't be at the front row, you'll block at least 6 people behind you :grin:

Speaking of positions, in my first AA show I was at the front and I didn't enjoy it a lot, lots of pushing crowd surfers hitting you with their feet. It was summer so we all were sweating. Got dehydrated, and just didn't enjoy the music as much cause of all these factors. But I learned my lesson I'll just chill in the back and headbang. And of you guys noticed only NA shows happens with pushing and shit like that? When I see live concerts in EU people are standing at the front and actually comfortable, there aren't people trying to push you away to get your spot.
yeah NA kids are retarded, no offense to others, even Im in the category im insulting techincally, but, most of them just cant understand the idea of you dont need to be as close as possible to enjoy yourselves.

edit: I wonder how good the security will be this time for searching us.
Why? You're getting pot?

no comment. last few concerts ive been at though, you KNEW people were high as fuck, Mega deth a few years ago the place was filled with smoke from it, and you could see the smoke coming up from the outdoor festival I was last at. not that I would -ever- do anything of that sort >.>
So what? Some people like to enjoy music while being stoned. I think I'll show up high but not smoke there.

you should read between the lines my friend. Ill probably be downtown for, 2 hours before the concert to get a nice position in line so I can hit the merch booth early to make sure i get the sweater I want, and to enjoy myself around before the concert.
When I see live concerts in EU people are standing at the front and actually comfortable, there aren't people trying to push you away to get your spot.

As far as I experienced it here in Germany, I was never pushed out of the front row when I have been in. And I also never tried to push in when I was second row or something, I'm totally fine with that. When going to concerts I always try to be as close to the front as possible but without getting into Pit action or disturbing others by pushing anybody around.

I will never understand those people hopping around, pushing, ramming elbows into others and stuff like that. If I want to fight with somebody (never fought with anybody though ^^) there are other ways to do that than annoying people who want to enjoy the music...

What's working best is being (and that's where I end up usually) somewhere between 2nd and 5th row on one of the sides. Normally no problem to get in there and keep away from pits.
Agree, I stay away from mosh pits as well. To be honest, I think they're the stupidest thing in metal scene. How do you enjoy music if you need to keep on the look out on who's gunna push you? Also, extreme music doesn't mean you have to hurt yourself.
This will be my first AA concert (I'm only 15) :D I'm really looking forward to it, hope to get there early enough to be pretty close to the stage (2nd-4th row would be great). I can't wait seeing as this is my first club show, all the other concerts I've been to (Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeth, Mastodon, etc) have been in larger venues AND I had to sit in the balcony. :( I saw the set and it looks great, cant wait for 8/26!
I prefer the smaller venues to the bigger ones, unless its a multi stage outdoor festival like wacken, summerbreeze, the ones here in toronto, etc
That's what I've heard. Too bad there are no decent outdoor festivals around here that I could go to, that would be great. All I've got down here in Louisiana is Mayhem (which comes close enough to me when they play Texas), but basically every band on that bill (except Megadeth and maybe two others) are terrible. Also there's Voodoo Fest but that's awful as well.
Amon Amarth -- Pittsburgh, PA -- August 16th, 2011


Set 1

War of the Gods
Töck's Taunt - Loke's Treachery Part II
Destroyer of the Universe
Slaves of Fear
Live Without Regrets
The Last Stand of Frej
For Victory or Death
Wrath of the Norsemen
A Beast I Am
Doom Over Dead Man

Set 2

Burning Creation
Without Fear
Victorious March
Amon Amarth
The Last With Pagan Blood
God His Son & Holy Whore
Legend of the Banished Man
As Long As The Raven Flies
Thousand Years of Oppression
Across The Rainbow Bridge
The Fate of Norns
Beheading of a King
Hermons Ride to Hell (Lokes Treachery)
Twilight of The Thunder God
The Hero
Live for the Kill

........... and i pretty much died and went to Valhalla after the show!