US Dept. of Education and... fisting?

Anyone that needs an object the size of a fist inside them needs more help than a pair of rubber gloves. :erk:

That is the nastiest shit ever. :Puke:

EDIT: But it does make for a cool song, I guess.

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I am not conservative at all, I support all sexual depravities as far as it is done voluntary and no law is broken, but I think GLSEN are gone a bit far with this!

My thoughts as well..

That glove doesn't look like it would hold worth a shit.

Did anyone else lol at "Swallowing: is it rude?"?
The most horrifying thing IMO are the comments and opinions depicted on this site.

They have really gone too far for sure though. But still, saying they're criminals and they should go to jail and all that crap... The fuck?

edit : And I totally agree with Jevil
If I wasn't locked into a contract working for the U.S. Government, I'd be out of this country in no time....

WTF is going on with this place? It's not the same USA that I grew up in.....
The most horrifying thing IMO are the comments and opinions depicted on this site.

They have really gone too far for sure though. But still, saying they're criminals and they should go to jail and all that crap... The fuck?

edit : And I totally agree with Jevil

Dude, if I had a 14 yeard old daughter being taught by government officials how to fist you'd be sure I would go there and kick them in the teeth.
Get over yourself. When I was enrolled in highschool, I knew several girls who could have taught those seminars.

+1. A month ago a video surfaced on the internet where a 13 year old girl from the place i live sucked a boy's cock on the school's bathroom (15yo) with the same dexterity of a porn star . So, most girls this age already know too much about this - heck, my 14yo sister had a friend who watched porn when she was like 10! So such things are no news for any teenager.

But such knowledge comming from the government is just plain silly.