US Dept. of Education and... fisting?

I have serious doubts concerning whether much of this "fistgate" crap ever happened, or happened in a way resembling the manner in which it is being depicted.

I've heard the audio clips, it seems the students were initiating those conversations and the speakers were trying to make light of it. In other words, it's just quote mining and everything is taken way out of context. Nobody is holding "fisting classes". Jesus.

Kevin Jennings is a homosexual, and he has fought to make a better environment for gay and lesbain kids in schools. At least half of the country hates him for that, that's all I need to know to realize that this whole thing is probably bullshit.
Dude, if I had a 14 yeard old daughter being taught by government officials how to fist you'd be sure I would go there and kick them in the teeth.

Yeah I agree, but I wonder if truth has been deformed in any way, all the sites talkin about that are all pro-right and we all know they can be really really good at distorting reality. :rolleyes:

However the idea is totally silly, there is a difference between sex education and handing out fisting kits.

Will (STINNETT) has it all right.

narcossintese also : "But, damn, this site (BigGovernment) is from crazy people to crazy people."
Kevin Jennings is a homosexual, and he has fought to make a better environment for gay and lesbain kids in schools. At least half of the country hates him for that, that's all I need to know to realize that this whole thing is probably bullshit.

Bravo. I have to agree that most any news provide will skew and find the most outrageous form of truth in order to tear down those that they hate. It happens on both sides of the aisle, but it is this type of bullshit that gets handed off as truth instead of being seen as a manifestation of hate and intolerance which it more commonly is.

I have serious doubts concerning whether much of this "fistgate" crap ever happened, or happened in a way resembling the manner in which it is being depicted.

I've heard the audio clips, it seems the students were initiating those conversations and the speakers were trying to make light of it. In other words, it's just quote mining and everything is taken way out of context. Nobody is holding "fisting classes". Jesus.

Kevin Jennings is a homosexual, and he has fought to make a better environment for gay and lesbain kids in schools. At least half of the country hates him for that, that's all I need to know to realize that this whole thing is probably bullshit.

This is what I thought too.
I have no idea about the source of this HOWEVER I'm pretty surprised that no one is even questioning a news source that I'm guessing noone here has even heard of (I hadn't).
Here is the other side:

If I could have an America back it would be the one where we judged all information with equal scrutiny instead of accepting the first, most sensational, or version most congruent with our own alignments.