US Housing Market Faggotry

Oh yeah, she's a chick who while cute enough (I'd hit it if no effort was involved), there's no way I could stand her for any length of time. In fact just this morning I had to blast Farsot into my ears to drown out her "conversation" with a friend, which sounded straight out of high school. That wouldn't be so annoying I suppose, but she's approaching 30. Then again most women in this area talk like valley girls up to, including, and throughout their 40's, so that's no big surprise either. I miss my ghetto trailer in the back which I had all to myself, they made me come into the office a few weeks ago. Sucks.

This has become my Work Complaint Thread. Cool.
People are fucking retards. My co-worker who brags about how great of a human being he is ad nauseum, makes a pretty penny in wages, but boastfully spends it quicker than he can make it.
Credit cards are the devil, I'm still tackling the few K that I've fallen behind on.

I agree there, I spend my money on music and books for the most part, and I don't save much atm (40 euros a month into a long term savings plan that gets contributions from the government and my employer), but thats because I'm just getting started at building a life. Hoping to settle down and start saving in the next few months.

Credit cards are really useful, if managed. My credit card saved my ass when I came here, I maxed it out and that sucked, but it kept me above water until I could get a job and I payed it off ASAP. Now I use them here and there (great for international travel... except germany :p:goggly:). But if they are mismanged, then they suck ass.

In fact just this morning I had to blast Farsot into my ears to drown out her "conversation" with a friend, which sounded straight out of high school. Then again most women in this area talk like valley girls up to, including, and throughout their 40's, s

Where I come from, thats pretty much every female under 40 or 50. It makes me rage and want to kill. Europe is much more mature in that sense, here there are still bints with no brains, but a whole lot more chicks here and cool and interesting to talk to. None of this, USA empty skull blowjob machine bullshit.

edit: maybe thats the problem, all the dicks slamming into the back of their throat cut off the blood supply to their brain and the literally are mildly retarded?
The article goes on to talk about how they used the money to add the ever-important backyard waterfall. What the hell is America coming to when you can’t even have a waterfall in your backyard?


EDIT: I called landscapers up once for some yard cleaning and basic gardening shit. It was gonna cost $500 or something. They never showed up. I called them up demanding to know why they didn't show, and they were like "look chico, we got better deals elsewhere. some guy wants us to install a waterfall, pond, and hi-power garden lights for a $25K deal in time for a dinner gathering next week"

I cannot believe people spend $25K on their yards, let alone just for a business meeting / dinner party to invite the boss over. But hey, I'm not an investment banker making $750K in bonuses each year.
I had a cousin who worked for Trader Joe's, got transferred to Phoenix, bought a house, installed $40k worth of landscaping, got massively in debt, now lives back at home.

Something like that anyhow. Point is it wasn't just the $750k/year types doing that kind of stupid shit, it was everyday $10/hour morons playing with spectre equity. Dumbasses.
Credit cards are really useful, if managed . . . But if they are mismanged, then they suck ass.
The problem is the companies drive you to mismanage them, always raising credit limits and sending off those balance transfer checks, with phrases like "take a vacation!" literally printed on them. I have 3 credit cards now, one that gives me $$$ back when I buy shit at , one that gives me $$$ when I buy gas, and a third I let sit doing nothing because I might need to get an auto loan from them someday. The gas one is ridiculous, it started off with a few thousand in credit, but every 6 months they bump it up for no apparent reason, so it now has a credit limit of something like $23,500. That's a mid-priced car!

Of course, when I was in debt, those 3.99% APR checks were quite helpful, here's to hoping I never get back into that mess again. :goggly:
Where I come from, thats pretty much every female under 40 or 50. It makes me rage and want to kill. Europe is much more mature in that sense, here there are still bints with no brains, but a whole lot more chicks here and cool and interesting to talk to. None of this, USA empty skull blowjob machine bullshit.

edit: maybe thats the problem, all the dicks slamming into the back of their throat cut off the blood supply to their brain and the literally are mildly retarded?
hahaha. NO REALLY though, what makes them talk in such a way? I can understand if you're a vapid 17 year old with no goals other than trying to marry up and never get any stretch marks, but we're talking full grown women here! It has warped my fragile little mind.

Oh, faketits next door just accused my music of making her head spin around, not unlike The Exorcist. :kickass:
I had a cousin who worked for Trader Joe's, got transferred to Phoenix, bought a house, installed $40k worth of landscaping, got massively in debt, now lives back at home.

Something like that anyhow. Point is it wasn't just the $750k/year types doing that kind of stupid shit, it was everyday $10/hour morons playing with spectre equity. Dumbasses.

how does a person working at a supermarket get approved for a house loan???

did I miss something in the last 10 years?
how does a person working at a supermarket get approved for a house loan???

did I miss something in the last 10 years?
Dude you didn't even have to be EMPLOYED to get a mortgage over the past 5 years, no joke. One reason why everything went to shit, lender standards disappeared. NINJA loans they called them, No Income, No Job or Assets. Freakin' ridiculous.

The "credit crunch" we're going through right now just means typical downpayment, having a job, blah blah blah, are required just like it used to be.
Credit card probably. Well, sorta:

I read about what a lot of people did, they saved up all their cash for the monthly mortgage and EVERYTHING else went on credit cards. By "a lot" I have no idea of the actual figures, but you could spot that type a mile away, driving an H2 to their $700k McMansion after the daily grind at Vons. WTF.
The problem is the companies drive you to mismanage them, always raising credit limits and sending off those balance transfer checks, with phrases like "take a vacation!" literally printed on them. I have 3 credit cards now, one that gives me $$$ back when I buy shit at , one that gives me $$$ when I buy gas, and a third I let sit doing nothing because I might need to get an auto loan from them someday. The gas one is ridiculous, it started off with a few thousand in credit, but every 6 months they bump it up for no apparent reason, so it now has a credit limit of something like $23,500. That's a mid-priced car!

Cool, free stuff is grand, and those credit limits CAN save your ass. So they really only are dangerous for the retarded or truly weak willed. Small loss. But thats american credit cards, its really different here. I got a new one here, so its german and easy to pay off without having to send money to my parents via western union to pay it off (and extra 14%).

Limit is 300, they might consider raising it in a year. hahahaha. :kickass:

hahaha. NO REALLY though, what makes them talk in such a way? I can understand if you're a vapid 17 year old with no goals other than trying to marry up and never get any stretch marks, but we're talking full grown women here! It has warped my fragile little mind.

I'm going to stick with my guess of cock asphyxiation.

Oh, faketits next door just accused my music of making her head spin around, not unlike The Exorcist. :kickass:

Thats because its not something she can suck a dick too. :D

how does a person working at a supermarket get approved for a house loan??? did I miss something in the last 10 years?

See my comment on credit cards, thats a truly american concept. lets ENCOURAGE the people to get into debt, because then we own them and all their stuff. That way the banks own everything and can fuck us all over. It's the american way, my friend. Doesn't work like that over here. :P
See my comment on credit cards, thats a truly american concept. lets ENCOURAGE the people to get into debt, because then we own them and all their stuff. That way the banks own everything and can fuck us all over. It's the american way, my friend. Doesn't work like that over here. :P
Yeah, I've linked to this dude's site about 50 times in this thread but once again:

The Invisible Mortgage Hand: Analysis of a Society That Forces You Into Debt.

EDIT: Dammit, image didn't work. Just click on it. :tickled:
See my comment on credit cards, thats a truly american concept. lets ENCOURAGE the people to get into debt, because then we own them and all their stuff. That way the banks own everything and can fuck us all over. It's the american way, my friend. Doesn't work like that over here. :P

thing is, it shouldn't work like that over here either

what, is there something in the US water that makes people think they can spend money they don't have? And what would Charlton Heston say?

I don't even own a fucking credit card. I do, however, own a debit card, because you know, the money that I'm spending is actually coming out of my bank account
the thing is this damn US economy would not have grown so much if money was not moving around so much ... of course people are getting fucked in the process.

some say that the downfall of the Chinese economy will be that Chinese do not spend ... they have a feast or famine mentality from throughout the ages. Now they are gathering their wealth and literally sleeping with money under their pillows, however not spending much ... waiting for the bad days.

so I don't know ... I am guilty of overspending as much as anyone for years ... just wish it was on something that I could have kept ... instead it was on booze and broads. :loco:
Last week I spent almost $1,000 on plans for work, had to buy them and then was later reimbursed.

Anyhow, that was the first time in over 10 years of using credit cards that I actually needed to... actually, no it wasn't, I had that much in my checking account at the time, I could have just used the debit. Hmm. Maybe I'll just cancel the 3 I have left, fuck'em.

See I mean, I just tried to justify them, and failed. JayK 1, credit cards 0. :tickled:
I had a cousin who worked for Trader Joe's, got transferred to Phoenix, bought a house, installed $40k worth of landscaping, got massively in debt, now lives back at home.

Something like that anyhow. Point is it wasn't just the $750k/year types doing that kind of stupid shit, it was everyday $10/hour morons playing with spectre equity. Dumbasses.

This describes about 25 percent of the home buyers in Phoenix area over the past eight years. Queen Creek is now a ghost town of forclosures, and I can imagine how Anthem and Maricopa got assraped, all because the lenders were handing loans to every dickhead who could sign his name on a piece of paper.
so I don't know ... I am guilty of overspending as much as anyone for years ... just wish it was on something that I could have kept ... instead it was on booze and broads. :loco:
What's that comic? "I spent most of my money on booze and broads, the rest I just wasted." :kickass:
This describes about 25 percent of the home buyers in Phoenix area over the past eight years. Queen Creek is now a ghost town of forclosures, and I can imagine how Anthem and Maricopa got assraped, all because the lenders were handing loans to every dickhead who could sign his name on a piece of paper.
Where are you in AZ? I think you told me once but I was drunk/excited and forgot. Phoenix is similar to what happened to the more populated areas in the Inland Empire by me, which means vacant houses, squatters, etc. What a bunch of crap.

For the record, I adore northern Arizona, but despise the southern bits. I would totally like to move to Jerome someday, but likely wouldn't be able to afford it. Or I could just kill one of the miners that has lived there for 9 generations and take over in his stead.