Sweden still has both beat.

It's a tough choice for me really. Sweden obviously had much more of an important and influential output, but finland has 4 of my favorite death metal bands. The Swedish scene also hasn't diminished like the Finnish scene. Most metal fans can name you Dismember, Entombed, and At the Gates, but certainly not Cartilage, Demigod, and Adramelech.
1) I don't worry about lesser bands when evaluating the quality of a scene. I worry about the total output of quality music.

2) Most Metal fans can't name you Crypt Of Kerberos, God Macabre, or Epitaph either.
If I understand you correctly you believe that the Finnish scene may be more overlooked than the Swedish one, which may be true but I fail to see how this relates to the number of quality releases from either country.

Sweden simply has more top quality DM records under its belt than Finland, which is all it really comes down to IMO.
Of course it's more ignored because no bands there ever rose to any spotlight. It also helps that the style of music originated in Sweden and not in Finland. I mean there hardly even existed a single Death Metal band in Finland before 1990.
Of course it's more ignored because no bands there ever rose to any spotlight. It also helps that the style of music originated in Sweden and not in Finland. I mean there hardly even existed a single Death Metal band in Finland before 1990.

Good point. However, I think that these Finnish bands that were overlooked then are getting quite a bit more attention nowadays (Demilich being the preeminent example of course). So I don't think the Finnish scene is that overlooked currently. Sure it's less famous than the Swedish one but the top bands from the Finnish scene are still getting there due IMO.
Well, relatively speaking I suppose. It would help if Sweden wasn't synonymous with Death Metal for many people. I bet there are plenty of people who worship Swedish Death Metal and 1) don't realize that Finland had a scene as well or 2) they listen to Finnish bands and don't even realize they're not from Sweden.

I notice you listened to that Vomit. What did you think? Pretty fucking raw, but I think it captured that same vibe felt in those very early Mayhem demo tracks with a slightly more typically Death Metal narrative.
I notice you listened to that Vomit. What did you think? Pretty fucking raw, but I think it captured that same vibe felt in those very early Mayhem demo tracks with a slightly more typically Death Metal narrative.

I haven't heard the early Mayhem demos but I thought the Vomit stuff was quite fucking good. Raw and dirty death metal. I was surprised that the rehearsal tapes had better sound quality than the actual demos did. Great stuff in general though, thanks again :kickass: .
I'm pretty sure Nuclear War Now still had the CD in stock for $5 (but you'll want to order multiple items because he only ships priority, so the postage is high for small orders). I'm sure you'll be able to find other things you'll be interested in there. I recommend Goatlord and Church Bizarre.
Yea, I suppose quantity and quality-wise Sweden prevails. I was merely referring to the top of the crop Norwegian DM which tramples over everything else(soooo biased:cool: )

If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend checking out Algol's Entering the Woods of Enchantment. Very cool mid-nineties Norwegian Death Metal sharing a lot of similarities with Cadaver's opus, ...In Pains.
If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend checking out Algol's Entering the Woods of Enchantment. Very cool mid-nineties Norwegian Death Metal sharing a lot of similarities with Cadaver's opus, ...In Pains.
Great, thanks. I definitely will.:)
Now that you've reminded me I also perused a recommendation thread on Metal-Archives regarding similar albums to In Pains and if I'm not mistaken Maze of Torment's early material was mentioned. I'll have to look into both.
I'm pretty sure Nuclear War Now still had the CD in stock for $5 (but you'll want to order multiple items because he only ships priority, so the postage is high for small orders). I'm sure you'll be able to find other things you'll be interested in there. I recommend Goatlord and Church Bizarre.

I second this motion.
I'm pretty sure Nuclear War Now still had the CD in stock for $5 (but you'll want to order multiple items because he only ships priority, so the postage is high for small orders). I'm sure you'll be able to find other things you'll be interested in there. I recommend Goatlord and Church Bizarre.

I do like Church Bizarre. I'll have to check into Goatlord, thanks for the advice and recommendation.