
Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I couldn't find a dedicated USBM thread.

Leviathan is amazing, and that's just based on the split with Xasthur. Haven't listened to Tentacles of Whorror yet.

However, Xasthur blows, and that's based on this split and the split with Nachtmystium.

How is other Nachtmystium material?

Is Lurker of Chalice any good?

I'm not too familiar with USBM, other than Havohej (which is good on occasion), Absu (which I could not get into), Weakling (which I believe to be overrated), Demoncy (which I really like), and Grand Belial's Key (which was just OK).

And just so this isnt a thread which lists bands: What is your opinon of USBM? I only ask because some feel it's second rate due to the US not having deep ancestral claims and culture.
I'm a big fan of Nachtmystium. I recommend you check out Eulogy IV and the more recent Instinct/Decay. There's a certain quality to the songwriting he developed on latter albums that I think makes it stand out.

Have you tried Krieg?
Weakling, yes. Theres a Utah based band named Ibex Throne who are ok. Leviathan I am not too fond of, but they're ok.

Wolves in the Throne Room, on the other hand, is the best USBM band ever to exist...

Personally, I'm not to fond of the entire USBM scene though, a lot of the bands just sound the same to me, with the exception of Wolves in the Throne Room.
Lurker of Chalice are fantastic but it's hard to go through the whole album in one listen.

Grand Belial's Key has some good heavy/thrashy/black metal to offer too except their last (Kosheart) which I found subpar.
Décadent;5752263 said:
I quite like Kosherat. More so than their previous albums. Still nothing great though.

"Mocking the Philatropist" is worth a listen.. some hits there.
My favourite USMB band is still Weltmacht, I think. "And to Every Beast Its Prey" has some really spectacular riffing going on.

Weakling and Lurker of Chalice are somewhat OK-ish, but hardly essential.

Wolves in the Throne Room, on the other hand, are completely derivative and a waste of time. This is based on the demo alone, though.
Lurker of Chalice are fantastic but it's hard to go through the whole album in one listen.

Grand Belial's Key has some good heavy/thrashy/black metal to offer too except their last (Kosheart) which I found subpar.

Their tastefully entitled "Judeobeast Assassination" album has a couple of really great tracks (Tenderhearted's Manifesto, Pimps of Genesaret etc), but though their lyrics might be kind of fun for a while, for me it all becomes too much pretty quickly. Kosherat were as you say very much a subpar album, and they must have changed the vocalist from JA, or?

Anyway GBK is I think the only USBM band I've heard and liked, but to be honest I don't think that I've heard more than a handful of bands. Xasthur was pretty aimless and boring to my ears, and Nachtmysticum (or however they spell it) I, pretty unfairly I guess, wrote off after their snooze-fest contribution to the Xasthur split.
Megiddo's DatH album starts off really well, but becomes less and less interesting the furhter I listen. That's about the extension of my relation to USBM.

All the time I've been into BM I think I've more or less consiously regarded USBM as a poorer version of the same kind of music produced on the european continent. The only band I'd really like to hear is Wolves in the Throneroom which I've for some reason think might be worthwhile.
All the time I've been into BM I think I've more or less consiously regarded USBM as a poorer version of the same kind of music produced on the european continent. The only band I'd really like to hear is Wolves in the Throneroom which I've for some reason think might be worthwhile.

this is what im talking about. why?
There is also DRAUGUR and CREBAIN from the same Californian scene as Leviathan and Xasthur.

I have a split with Crebain and Leviathan and the Crebain half blows Leviathan away IMO. It was released by Tumult records who also released Hammers' The Bastard. (It all begins to get quite incestuous in the San Fran / LA scene, including Amber Asylum and of course the outstanding LUDICRA).

You do need to hear WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM. Much better than Weakling IMO simply because the vocals aren't screamed throughout, plus they know when to shut the fuck up and let the music do the talking. There might be samples out there somewhere, perhaps at Vendlus Records. Get the full release, not the demo, because it features the chick from Hammers doing the background female vocals and the atmosphere goes deep into the embers of the forest campfire.

The last LUDICRA release will make my top 10 of '06 for absolute certain. It's less on the atmosphere however and more on the heavy metal....but that's what the Americans are better at anyway.

Definitely look into Nachmystium 'Instinct/Decay'. I might have an extra pomo, if you're interested.

Also check out Thralldom. They are by far the most overlooked USBM band around.
There's some good stuff out there (DEMONCY, AVERSE SEFIRA, WELTMACHT etc..) but this new wave of USBM trend popularized by Southern Lord and exemplified by bands such as XASTHUR and LEVIATHAN is fucking garbage.
leviathan is awesome, tentacles of whorror > xasthur split imo

the xasthur half of that split is ok, the instrumental and the palace of frost cover are good but the other songs are meh. the funeral of being is my favorite of his i think.

twilight is ok, not great.

i'm also a fan of sin origin, both night aeternal and in the presence of a dread magician are pretty sav