Using a mixer vs. using the DAW


Feb 23, 2008
This may be a dumb question but is there a reason why most people seems to use mixers instead of just adjusting all the levels in their DAW? I've never actually used a mixer in my life lol and I've always wondered this. I'm guessing because it's more convenient but are there any other reasons outside of that? or is it just preference?
I think the old school guys are just used to move the faders with their hands as oppoced to mouse. I don't think there's any other reason.
Well when you have a mixer with high quality analog components, using the eq's and summing (to mix down all your tracks to 2 channels) can sound better than staying in-the-box, but we're talking like $10k+ mixers here (and even that is a pretty conservative estimate) for a noticeable benefit. Personally, I find "control surfaces" (things that look like mixers with faders, knobs, and buttons, but don't actually have any audio passing through them, e.g. Digidesign Command8) useless; I have no problem grouping tracks and using the mouse to move the faders, especially with Pro Tools and Reaper both letting you hold the Ctrl key down while sliding for fine-tuning!
couldn't live without a control surface personally!!

its so much easier to get balances when you can put your hands on the faders, but thats just me!....
I like them to simplify the workflow... I wish the old Studer desk at our studio would function as a controller, too. I immediately liked the digi controller at our radio production studio. watching motorized faders is kinda fun. ;)