V and Divine Wings came in today


Mar 3, 2002
Sudbury, Ontario
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I must say WOW. I love both albums, but Divine is my favorite of the two. So many beautiful songs on both albums.

At first i didnt like V but its finally starting to grow on me.

Symphony X Rox
Thats true about V. It takes a couple of listens for it to really connect but it's well worth it. Russels vocals are flawless and brilliant as expected on V. The interplay between the tracks is fantastic and that's probably the reason it might take some getting used to.
Very true. V blew my mind. it's enjoyed best while lying on a sofa with headphones on and your favourite drink of choice (I can't think of the spelling of the word beveridge...boeverige beaveridge? :( :( argghh!! where did my brain go???

oh...I know, it's been blown by Symphony X!!!!! :)

is this the final setting Suuuuuuuuunnnnn Ooooooohhhhhhh!
I just cant get into V as much as i did with Divine. Maybe i should listen to the album with head phones because that usually works for me when i want to get into an album more. Still cool album though.
"V" always gets criticized for its supposed lack of "heaviness"... but I think tracks like "Evolution", "Fallen", "The Bird-Serpent War" and "Rediscovery" are among the heaviest and most aggressive in the extensive Symphony X catalogue.
V has some of my favorite Symph X songs, like Communion and the oracle, Egypt, Fallen and Evolution. Evolution was the first SX song I listened to, so I have to give credit to the guys (and the album) for that.
I love "V", but I still consider "Divine" my favorite album of all time. That could change though as I am listening to "V" much more frequently. But the funny thing is, whenever I throw in "Divine" it still has some kind of energy to it that I can't explain. Maybe it's something subtle in the production, but I just love that album!

On a different note, has anyone begun to feel negatively toward "Twilight"? I don't know why, but when I put that album in I am finding myself to not be enjoying it much anymore. And I loved it for months when I first got it. I don't know what it is. I've never really liked the drum sound on it, they are too mechanical sounding to me, but overall I'm not crazy about this album anymore. I can't explain it as "Church of the Machine" was one of my all time favorite songs for the longest time. Now it just doesn't have the same impact. I don't know.
"V" was the first I heard of Symphony X. If you listen with headphones, you hear it all and it blows your mind. It's so different from the others and I never get tired of it. I can't wait for a new CD, I'm getting very anxious to hear what they do with the re-recorded debut CD, as well as the direction they take afterward. I haven't been disappointed with anything yet.
I actually like TiO better than DWoT

TWoT is more kick-ass, hell yeah, throw your fis in the air material
V is more Oh my god, thats amazing, insperational material

You get what I mean.
Communion and the oracle has probably my favourite melodies of all songs. About a minute into the track and again on approx 04:10 mins. It kicks ass, as do the 2 guitar solos.
TiO doesn't really do it for me anymore. I didn't like it when I first heard it, and then I tried it again about a year later and I liked it. But it's not my favorite.

I remember putting V in the CD player for like the tenth time thinking, "I didn't like it before, why will I like it now?" :Smug:
And then Evolution came on and blew my head off. Just like that.