Valentine's Day

i am sitting ultra-slouched in my chair. So much so that i am almost laying down. I'm in some grey boxer-briefs, and i thought i'd gently pull out my balls from the left leg of my boxer-briefs. It's pretty neat, they are like two birds that are my friends. I can't stop petting them and smiling
Typically, my experience in life has been that the privileged always have more of everything. Rich bitches always make more drama, always have more bullshit friends, always fuck more guys (they're all pretty damn loose), and always have something wrong with their disease ridden twats.
Fuck yeah man, i may just do that. :kickass:

Gotta love those bars filled with hot girls in DT Naperville. That is one thing I love about my hometown.
I would sooner die than live in Naperville. Get out of the fucking suburbs and move into the city.

Anyway, my day is going to consist of getting wasted with my friends and watching shit movies. It's going to rule. Fuck bitches. Figuratively.
@Belligerent love your Tim and Eric sig photo! DIAMOND BAGS!

Well it's 6:18 pm Valentine's Day. I woke up hungover as beans on a couch an internet cafe with someone I am not dating, tried not to barf on the train ride home, went out for burgers with my friend, came home and have been obsessively reading about whaling for a couple hours.

He had to work today so I celebrated early. Nothing much, just hanging out. The highlight of this weekend was definitely buying "Moby Dick."
My girlfriend's best friend's dad just died this morning. Totally lame.

Anyway, I'm working in an hour and a half, so not doing any Valentines related activities today; tomorrow my girl and I are spending the day together, possibly getting sushi and stuff.
so I went over to my ex-girlfriend's house. she made enchilada's and we hung out for a couple of hours

...I think I'm still in love with her :erk:
Maybe she still loves you too if she invited you over on Valentine's Day. Or maybe she is an evil witch who just didn't want to be alone and knew you would.
Are you afraid of minorities?

Seriously though, I think people like you and Krig grossly misunderstand what living in an urban area is like.
Nah not afraid. I live 25 min South of the city so ill go there for metal shows or White Sox games, thats about it. I just hate paying 25 bucks to park and putting up with traffic.