Well I just found out that the AFL game I'm being dragged to is a night match, so I won't be at the gig after all. Hopefully, we'll end up at Back in the Day at some point though, so yeah... if you're going to that, we'll see ya there.

Damn. :(
I'm still not sure if I'll end up at Back In The Day. I hope to, but I'll have to decide soon whether I drive to Melb, or drink and crash at a friends place..
I would be at Back In The Day too if I was in Melbourne... Say hi to my sister for me, she'll be at Vanishing Point and Back In The Day.
What time are VP gonna be playing? You might be able to make it after the footah finishes. I'll see how I go for Back in the Day....
Winmar said:
What time are VP gonna be playing? You might be able to make it after the footah finishes.

Good point. The footy should finish around 10:30..
The game will probably be decided by half-time anyway..
Goreripper said:
Well I just found out that the AFL game I'm being dragged to is a night match, so I won't be at the gig after all. Hopefully, we'll end up at Back in the Day at some point though, so yeah... if you're going to that, we'll see ya there.



metal comes before football. WAY before.

chrisvp said:
Yeah , Sydney and Canberra are hopefully on the cards soon , we are just waiting to hear from a contact there who organizes gigs in Sydney and then its on , sorry for the delay .

Great to hear you'll be up here. Ah, as long as there isn't a five year delay to hear you guys live again :grin: