I had to go to a weird 21st this evening (women segregated from the blokes!), and have not long been home. I fear it's probably not worth going out now, as I will have missed most of the night anyway by the time I get there. Dang it.
For a city who (besides the few people who saw them last time) would have no idea who The Deadthings are, the crowd reaction was a HUGE success last night! The band was stoked and itchin' to come to Adelaide again now after that, except some of us were a bit more bitter on the city after our adventures down Hindley St after the show... Grrr. Between the angry comments and dirty looks, the bouncers at the strip club, the babbling Aboriginal guy, and the crazy man who calls himself Dog Bowl, we weren't in the best of spirits when we got back to the motel compared to the last trip!

But the gig was definitely a success! And one of the dudes from BB Steal was at the show and said he hasn't seen anyone in Australia put on a rock show like that in 10 years!
TinMan666 said:

Great sound, great songs, great guys.

Total respect.

Yep. Amazing gig. The best I've seen of Vanishing Point, and generally the best gig I've seen for a long, long time.

ceydn said:
Did they play Samsara?

Seeeeeen it aaaall befoooooore...

I don't remember singing along to it, and it is one of my favourites. So I guess they missed it.

The set focused heavily on the new album, which made perfect sense because the night was billed as the album launch party. Most of the new songs sound great live, and are really heavy when necessary. The ballads work well too.
Hello Peoples , how are you ,
I'd just like to say a big thanks to you guys who were able to come down to the gig , it was really a great night we had heaps of fun, and judging by the comments you guys seem to have enjoyed yourselves as well , you rule!!!!
I was pushing to play Surreal , but unfortunately there wasnt much time left in the set , theres always a next time , same for Samsara :)
Our next gig will be in Adelaide on the 6th of August at a venue called the Governor , I think , anyways the bands supporting will be The Loving Tongue and a melodic rock/metal band called The One Within , after that in September we are also playing at the PBS benefit gig at the Corner and Interstate will happen soon :)
Cheers guys.............Chris :)
P.S Dave spewing I didnt have a chance to say g'day to you Bro.


I saw you in the Metal in Adelaide website, so I already knew, but cannot wait. It's already on the calendar.

I'll be up the front bangin' away \m/