Varg Vikernes is a free man

for some reason I cant stop laughing at that amon666 :lol:

more seriously: (slightlyXD)

In reality, then, these antics were simply part of a counter-cultural movement. Which is why it's pretty strange to see people criticising the church burning on the grounds that it destroyed cultural artifacts. That was entirely the point, the aim was (an admittedly unlikely and poorly thought out) attempt to spark off some sort of cultural revolution - for some a regression back to a pagan culture, for others simply an outlet for a teenage desire to be perceived as being dangerous and mysterious (hence, the satanic element).

actually I dont see why it's strange to criticise church burning based on the fact that cultural destruction was the whole point - Couldnt that be a specific reason to critisise it? I agree with most of what you said, I just don't quite understand that statement.
so, to summarize:

extremes always suck, no matter if you're extremely religious or extremely anti-religious, extremely left winged or extremely right all sucks.

And Odin = Oden = Wotan = Wodan = Sigtyr = Allfather = .... The dude has over a 100 names in the Edda alone.
Those pictures are pretty funny amon666. Varg looks like a nice guy, I'd definitely buy him a beer. I'd also blow up churches if I wasn't so lazy. haha, Dead christians=better world.
Joshnir, I hope you're trolling?

I would not even wish random criminals/terrorists/murderers dead, let alone christians or muslims or [insert religion] just for believing something. As long as they leave me alone, who cares? Live and let live. But hey, that's just me ^^
Joshnir, I hope you're trolling?

I would not even wish random criminals/terrorists/murderers dead, let alone christians or muslims or [insert religion] just for believing something. As long as they leave me alone, who cares? Live and let live. But hey, that's just me ^^

Christians have destroyed alot of important history of other religions and culture. They should be punished for their old sins. Religion is for weak minds.
Christians have destroyed alot of important history of other religions and culture. They should be punished for their old sins. Religion is for weak minds.

I could point out how dumb this is, but if you were stupid enough to say this then you're probably not worth talking to, so instead I'll put you on my ignore list. Good day, sir.
Eye for an eye and the whole world ends up blind. Be smarter, stop blind hatred.

QFT. You don't hear people complaining about vikings pillaging their ancestor's villages or raping their great-great-great^5 grandmothers, so they?

Every culture/religion has it's "dark periods" and bad sides. That's not the fault of religion/culture, but of people.
Well, if you're from Belgium, that's ok =P according to a number of Dutch jokes you people are stupid anyways (and yes, we are in fact really greedy and cheap!) ^^

And I have to admit, roughly 60% of the people in this country are downright retarded.

I actually live close to the Belgian border, and de Biebob in Vosselaar is a great little venue

/back on topic