Varg Vikernes is a free man

Aug 14, 2008
"I can confirm that I have been released from prison," Vikernes told Norway's Dagbladet.

I don't really care what happens to this dude but I love all of his musical contributions and hope that there will be more now.
haha, wonder if he's going to blow up any more churches.

He's gonna live on a farm and run around naked and be one with nature while he worships all the norse gods and thank them for making him white.

But I just hope he makes some new tunes.
Couldn't care less. Man did his time, let him go in peace. If you don't agree with that, vote for someone who'll increase prison sentences or go into politics yourself.
Couldn't care less. Man did his time, let him go in peace. If you don't agree with that, vote for someone who'll increase prison sentences or go into politics yourself.


Whether he said it or not I cannot confirm, but I heard he has no plans for music releases for the time being. And will someone try to kill him, do you think?? It was a long time ago...but maybe somewhere there's people who took that stuff so seriously (or personally, more-like) and will still try to do something about it.

Anyway, he was an upstart cunt that's for sure. But you can't deny that the guy has a fairly significant part in Norwegian black metal history.