Varg Vikerness , Bard Faust


Mar 24, 2004
Nanaimo , BC Canada
I know this has nothing to do with borknagar...but I was wondering when Varg vikerness and bard faust are getting out of jail. does anyone know? oh and when is Jon Nodtveidt of dissection getting out too?
Check Blabbermouth and do a search through their news archives.I think that Faust has been released already, but don't quote me on that. And Jon I believe will be getting out this year. Varg is a different story. I have heard nothing since his attempted escape and grand theft auto, hehe. Silly satanist....
... I don't think Euronymous was going to kill Varg. I think they had a "friendship" going on... but I don't want a whole argument or anything. I just doubt it.
well i heard varg vikerness talking about this live in jail....but ya who cares no need for an argument. varg is now some stupid facist who doesnt like black metal so he can die. but i really love old burzum. i wish he would make black metal again.
Thats awesome that Faust is out, and similarly awesome that Jon from Dissection will be getting out soon, this year or next if i remember correctly. I heard that Varg has about 13 more years to go but that could totally wrong.
I wonder what he's going to do when he gets out... I think the old burzum that we knew and loved is totally done with :(
Winterfall said:
I wonder what he's going to do when he gets out... I think the old burzum that we knew and loved is totally done with :(
It would definitely seem that way. And even though i can't listen to the newer stuff because it just sounds so damn cheap, i think if Varg had some resources at least the direction he is going in now would be decent.

Not that it matters anyway, because he'll probably just stab someone and blow up a church, and BACK TO JAIL HE GOES.
Don't expect to see Varg any time soon. There's no way they're letting him out after escaping and holding up that family at gunpoint before driving off in their car! Well, it is Norway, so who knows.

As for Jon Nodtveidt, he is either coming out around now or in the next few months, because the new Dissection album is supposed to be recorded soon, providing they find a replacement drummer after Faust changed his mind about playing in the band.
Winterfall said:
I wonder what he's going to do when he gets out... I think the old burzum that we knew and loved is totally done with :(

I read somewhere that Varg said he wouldn't be making anymore black metal albums because metal is a form of rock, and rock was invented by Black people. He claims that he "doesn't want to make anymore non-Aryan, my pals music."
makes sense, he has become some kind of fascist white supremacist.

then again, his beliefs are changed more than a baby's diapers.

the distant future: Varg realizes the error of his ways, hails Malcolm X and Cesar Chavez as true visionaries, and starts producing Burzum's new direction, a sound of rap and r&b rooted heavily in Black Pantherist anger and the groove of Latino culture, calling his new album Yo! Burzum Raps, Bitch!
Snowblind said:
I read somewhere that Varg said he wouldn't be making anymore black metal albums because metal is a form of rock, and rock was invented by Black people. He claims that he "doesn't want to make anymore non-Aryan, my pals music."

(so he propably doesn't like the fact that we all once were black and then specialized into white march musik making coloured individuums in the evolution of man)
I just realized, if Varg was now strickly a neo-nazi, wouldn't that mean he was christian? That is a mind bending thought... I've read somewhere that he never wants to be associated with black metal again. Depressing.

Even if Varg is insane, I must admit, he has some intense testicular fortitude. To escape prison and then drive your getaway vehicle on THE HIGHWAY.. man, thats just hardocore. Maybe he just doesn't care. Who knows.
Vikernes is still scheduled for a 2007 release as of the last new report. As for Dissection, I would love to see a new album, but Jon is having trouble finding dedicated musicians/ideaologists.