very disappointed w/ new album

btw I think that most 'true' pagan metal fans are not openminded. You know, like Thyrfing who worked with the producer of Meshuggah. They get a lot of angry reactions from so-called 'true' fans that you may not with that producer as a pagan/viking metal band. I hate that, it's like that the fans made rules for their music.

The same for Vintersorg. He isn't the man who made great pagan metal anymore but you have to respect where he stands for now and what music he play now. Just be openminded!
I respect that he has taken another musical- aswell as lyrrical- direction, but I don't like it. Because I found previous albums more exciting than this new one..

But that's of course not his problem, but mine and many others who have the same opinions.... ;)
I have that problem too - don't like VFTSG much. My favorite album is Cosmic Genesis because of the wonderful melodies.

I just hope the next album will be very different again, because then there is a good chance I'll like the music. :D

And mr V, now you compare your albums with girlfriends/boyfriends. Doesn't this go a bit too far? ;)
IMHO, one generally has to compare to be able to choose...
Moriyasu: of course it was a metphore so that you would get my point, I just mean that you can't compare two different albums, the terms for each and only albums are very different.

mr V
just wanted to say, even though i dont like the new album as much as i hoped i would, im still a huge fan of vintersorg and will continue to support the band. i love the other stuff hes done w/ borknagar and otyg. not gonna give up on the new one just yet. like a lot of people have said, it's taken mulptiple listens to get into it.
Originally posted by Vintersorg
So you compare your old boyfriend/girlfriend with your current??? don't think so. Every process and object lives by itself, and should therefore(in my opinion) only be judged from a virgin angle, still, if you boils inside with empirical advetures and standards.

You don't judge a person for the first time you see him/ try to develope a conversation/connection and from that your opinion takes form, just to say he/she is a bad person cause he/she is different is pretty bizzare, right!!

I'm not trying to defend our album here. We love it ourselves, so we don't have to.

mr V

Hehe, no, no need to compare an old boyfriend to a
future one, but the need to know what I like in a man,
I know what I like in looks, in the way he acts, if he's
nice etc... It's the same with an album, and when it
comes to a specific band I know some of these things
already, know what I mean? So even though the new
album is very different from the older ones, which is
natural, it's still Vintersorg, which is what _I_ want
anyways... :o)

You can deny it as much as you like, but Vintersorg is
like a trademark... People might buy Levi's trousers
cause it's fashionable, or just cause it's the way they
like their pants... I'll buy Vintersorg cause of some
expectations I have in my head based on what has
been released earlier.

And, c'mon, comparing boyfriends? Humans and things
are very different here :o) Even though this album is a
product of a human it's still not the same :o)
So I might fall in love with a guy I never thought I
would like, just as I might hate any progress at all in a

Blabla, I love the album! Hehe... :o)
A Vintersorg interview is in the next Scream magazine... A little more info about his changing direction will also be included acording to Bjørn... :)

So buy it asap! hehehe.
This can be interesting.
I don't understand how anyone could knock Visions. Sure there are parts I think could have been done better, but overall it's an excellent work. And personally I like the experimentation. It's only natural for an artist to progress his style, IMO it's better that Vintersorg went a new route than make Cosmic Genesis 2.
@ Mr V: I find it easier to deal with major changes when I listen to a band like arcturus, which has no defined style and never created any albums like a logical step between their past and their future style. I liked every style, depending on my moods... I had a hard time with Ulver's post "Themes..." albums though. I was surprised I liked themes at all, because it is a very drastic change when you think of the first 3 albums, that are not so like each other, but not so different. So, I guess the thing some of us are trying to say, is that either your musical inspiration evolved in something we don't like as much, or that the evolution happened too fast. We were all expecting it to be a bit more cosmic and progressive, but not so drastic a change since the last one. This is at least my opinion on why some of us like it less than your older stuff.

@ everyone: NO, NO, and NO again: I am not saying the album is not good, so just leave my critics alone if all you can do is bashing it.
Just a few more words about Vision...

My favorite songs are ESP mirage and The Explorer. But, I tend to remember also that these 2 songs contain some sounds that just make me want to puke(sorry). Is it how sounds the so praised fretless bass???? It seems I just don't like it... Sorry. But the songs are great! And I really like the chorus on both.

A funny thing about spiral generators...I have a friend working on one in a research project at the ottawa university...and he sent me some visions from it... :p 3D spirals... Yeah...I know...Mr V is not talking about that kind of spiral generator...
@Smekermann; Even though I expect something from a
band I am also able to accept and LIKE the change...

Just cause I expect something from a band it doesn't
mean that I'm unable to comprehend the music... Or
maybe it does? Maybe I don't understand a single thing
of the music, maybe I just enjoy it?
Oki, so that's the way you see it :o)
And I can agree to some extent, but not fully.
I still think that expecting something is just the
way it is, I can never be "pure" as long as it's
the same band releasing something... hehe....

And if a band I like releases something that's
not really my thing, then my loss, but don't tell
me I didn't try cause I EXPECTED something... :o)

"This was not what I expected, but I really - really
like it!!"
"This was not what I expected, and even though
I've given it many listens it's really not my thing."

In the end, music to me is what it makes me FEEL.
Some albums just click, and others don't :o)
You quoted me, so I'm gonna quote you :p
Originally posted by Smekermann
That's why so many of you have a lot of shitty albums in your collections.
I don't :p
You go out and buy a band's album on a whim and then when you find out and changed directions, you act all surprised and pissed off it wasn't a continuation of their previous album.
Who's acting pissed off? I like Visions. And being on the internet is a useful thing- before an album comes out, the artist will probably have commented on it, and there will be some reviews of it, and samples, so you will know beforehand what to expect.
The only time I get annoyed with a band changing their style is when the music they do with that style sucks (which is a judgement on the music, not the style).
So you can honestly say there is not a single band out there who, when you see a new album, or an old one you don't have, you buy it without listening to it? I dunno, I just find that view a little odd, don't see what the big deal is.

And another thing- is your percieved judgement of an artist based soley on the music, or something else? I mean, I have an emotional connection to 99% of the stuff I listen to (no point otherwise), and I think that maybe it's something that I carry expectation with. I don't love Sentenced, but I'll continue to buy their albums, because there is something about the lead guitarist that I love- his approach to soloing, the 'feel' he has to it, the cool stuff he comes up with. That's part of him, even if they were to go hip-hop it would never change. Same with Hellhammer in Mayhem, I know he's gonna do something that'll blow me away, so I buy their albums. Same with every band I like.
Maybe Vintersorg -sounds- more like the last Borknagar album because the drum sound is the same, and Vintersorg sings very like he sang on Borknagars release. He sings much more brighter, and one hear less to his deep wonderfull voice.