very disappointed w/ new album

Oki, that's your taste.. I prefer the mystic deep one combined with brighter vocals...

But compare the "drumsound" with Empiricism and it's very much the same because it's the same drumkit he uses and I guess he use the same soundconfigures that he used with Borknagar while recording Empiricism...

I was not talking about how he played, but the -drumsound-.
AS music is so personal it will always be some who don't like the latest album and others that loves it. And some will alway claim that the first rehearsal tape (which don't exist) was the coolest recording....and, and , and.......

mr V
Originally posted by Smekermann
Anyway, this is getting too long-winded. So basically, what I'm trying to say is, listen to an album before you buy.

Amen! >:o) But, some albums need more listens...
You shouldn't give up on it too easily....

It's a grey world... I might find an album really good,
and a couple of months later not enjoy it at all, and
that way it becomes a bad album in my collection...
So I dunno.... :oP hehe...

But, yeah, I hate these "it's not metal anymore" and
"this and that sucks cause it's not like it used to be".
We all have different tastes :o)
"AS music is so personal it will always be some who don't like the latest album and others that loves it. And some will alway claim that the first rehearsal tape (which don't exist) was the coolest recording....and, and , and.......
mr V"

Exactly. Maybe your next album will knock of my favourite, Ödemarkens Son, who knows. hehe ;)
How the hell do you know how a Borknagar song "sounds" like, or MUST sound like? Christ, must we go over this AGAIN? Visions sounds NOTHING like Empiricism. It sounds to you like Borknagar because Vintersorg sings in that band as well, and thus you make the connection. But there's no comparison. They are two separate entities.

1. I didnt say I know how Bork should sound like, maybe ask Mr. Brun :D
2. My personal opinion is that the two songs I heard from Spirals does sound more of Empiricism than Cosmic genesis. And nothing wrong with it. Thats just an opinion, I dont know why are you so upset of me comparing two things, even if you dont agree? Respect!
However on a live record I have Universums D. A. sounds like, well, guess...:rock:
And I will buy the album, not because it is like / or not like the previous, but because I have heard songs from it. And it is turning out maybe the best ones I hasnt heard yet...