VERY interesting sound wave problem/question


Oct 26, 2009
Hey there. So, lately I've been recording non stop. I feel like I've been really locking down on the mixing/tone side of stuff. But recently I came across a REALLY interesting...errmm... 'Problem'?

I recorded a little clip of a song just for this topic.

My method of recording THIS clip is I played some of the chugs half speed, put a slice on both sides of every note, omitted the second half of the note, and then snapped to the grid... Note that I only did this for the purpose of this topic. I don't typically do stuff that way.

Here's my guitar signal:

Guitar-->Pod X3 live--->USB--->Compuer

And then I have the input of each guitar track set as "Tone 1 Dry", which should mean that I'm recording the DRY signal, right?

When I snap everything to the grid, it looks good. Like this:


This is what it sounds like as two guitar DI tracks, and a drum track:

Looks/Sounds pretty precise right?

HOWEVER. When I slow the project down, just to check the precision of the snapping and all of that, is sounds like this:

Clearly, the guitar panned to the right is playing before the guitar on the left on almost every beat. When I realized this I said to myself "Okay, when slicing the notes, I must've not taken my time to slice the notes correctly at the beginning of each note. In other words, when slicing the notes, I must've consistently sliced a little bit too far to the left of each note on one of the tracks.

But when I zoomed into the tracks, I saw that they were all pretty well sliced:


It looks fine! So, I thought maybe there was some sort of latency in the actual DAW.

But then, I zoomed in even more and saw waves like this:


I'm getting confused here. I understand that it's not going to be one huge peak wave and then fade out nicely on it's own, but why is there that initial peak, and then the actual note that sings through? Is that just my pick hitting each individual string?

Is it Possible that my Pod is F#cking each note up? Should I even be using the Pod as my "DI"?

Any help will be AWESOME!

i would say its your pick hitting the string? idk when zoomed in really far you can pretty much pick up everything although i dont completely understand the question
i would say its your pick hitting the string? idk when zoomed in really far you can pretty much pick up everything although i dont completely understand the question

Well.. I've noticed that EVERY note that I hit has that skinny peak before the rest of the sound wave.. And I think that's what's effecting (affecting?) the latency in my notes compared to the drum beat/compared to each other.

And I feel like if I get to the bottom of the alignment problem, it would lead to more punchy/cleaner recordings.

I'm having a hard time explaining this. fml..