Vh1 40 most awesomely bad metal videos

Fuck VH1. They're the sort of channel that focus on Paris Hilton and Ashlee Simspson
VH1 Classics .... has that Metal Mania show that just rules ... they pull out the most obscure / good stuff I have never seen
On a side note, has anyone seen the video for "Boyz Will Rock" by The Vinnie Vincent Invasion? That video shows everything that made glam-metal horrible. In the end, they start wrecking their instruments, which is normal, but then the drummer starts shattering his "cymbals", a random guy who is lit on fire falls off of their 20' tall stack, and everything just EXPLODES. If that doesn't make you slap yourself in the face, than nothing will.
JayKeeley said:
What are Primus, if not metal? The first time I ever saw them was on HBB!
I dunno. Hey I know, I'll start a Primus thread and then half this board's visitors can tell me how shitty and untr00000000000000 they are and then make fun of them post after post after post!
Larry LaLonde is a frickin' genius, one of the most unique voices in the guitar realm. Plus he helped invent death metal!

"I love listening to horn players. It's such a human instrument. Guitar can be kind of like typing."
--Larry LaLonde
did any of you ever hear BLIND ILLUSION? they had one record out ... "The Sane Asylum" ... with Claypool and Lalonde ...
*heart attack*

Never heard of that! Oh wait, yes I have, that was the pre-Primus band right? Never looked for it though.
Just found many vinyl copies on gemm.com for $10 or so, probably pick it up soon. Thanks. :) Then maybe next year I'll finally buy a record player to replace my Playskool one that I haven't seen in 12 years.
Primus is awesome. We used to cover "Jerry was a Race Car Driver" and "Tommy the Cat" in my old band all the time. Twas excellent. I find it funny how so many metalheads absoultely love Primus.
Ripping on hair bands is always fun, but it's been done to death and you'd need a giant butcher knife to cut through the hypocrisy...I caught part of the "least metal" thing and that was intelligence insulting...mocking Bruce Dickinson and Jim Martin for eccentric hobbies is anything but metal.

Back off topic: Primus ru...SUCKS!
Primus > than most of the bands out there.

Primus sucks!

I am an absolute primus head. And the new DVD is fricking amazing! None of my friends dug them growing up, but I was an absolute fan. In fact. one of the heaviest, in terms of feelings, concerts I ever saw was Primus, Public Enemy, and Anthrax. I will back you one inch, 100 percent on this. Primus is indeed one of the best bands ever.

evil c.