Viking Beards.

Jerry ... for some reason you so remind me of this other dude I know, he runs a Home Theater forum ...

Yeah, Larf is a MAN. Met him at CPF, and I couldn't belive the amount of Hair this main had. Manly well groomed hair too. And one hell of a good looking woman, heh.
Mine is going to be grown out starting now. I'm slightly shorter than an inch at the moment. I got sad when I saw the beard I posted earlier. What was I thinking keeping it trimmed?!


I hope it turns out something close to this!
This is the longest it's been since joining the Corps. Grew it a bit on leave to stick it to the man! Haha.


Haha, sosososo lame. I fucking hate how we have to be clean shaven.

I would also get in trouble for having my hair that long. DOUBLESTICKINGITTOTHEMAN!!!!11we11on/-1we