Viking Crown

Fuck oath, what a douchebag. For such a comment, I think you are redeemed.
Decadent said:
Ahh yes, because 5thSeason doesnt like anything popular. That would be untr00 of him. :lol:

LOL, my favorite band is (and had been for the last 7 or 8 years) In Flames. Im hardly an elitist, rofl.

I already stated WHY I dislike pantera on another thread not to long ago. Have a look for yourself.

My comments start on page 1 and go on for a a while (my main post is on page 3 of that thread).
This topic should be closed, anyway. It's really run it's course. Everyone with ears, and non-fanboy bias can see that this band sucks. Everyone else thinks they're all right, but only like them due to being a Phil Anselmo fanboy.
Dude, if you just have a bit of a listen then they're not all that fuckin bad. And what the fuck's with you guys calling everybody fucking TROLLS? Weirdo