Viking metal/Enslaved


lunatic of god's creation
Mar 20, 2002
Ok now that I said viking metal i believe im not off-topic. Sorry if this bothers anyone but I figured this would be the place with the most fans of enslaved. HAs anyone seen them on there current US tour? I was wondering what the set list was. Is it basically what they played on the dvd?
I'm so hungovber I just say...their singer has great hair! oh im so biased anyway fucking drinking belgian bomb beer with norwegians all night he was so sweet that he gave me one
BELGAR! You guys are fuckin' CRAZY, I had Belgian beer yesterday night and it blew my goddam head off. Was drinking with this Norwegian guy and after I almost finished the bottle he's like "you DO know it's 8,5% right?". But who cares I'd already had 8 wine glasses and 6 other beers before that. ANYWAY, just a note to you. Cheers indeed.
I saw them in Providence last night. THEY FUCKING OWNED! Most of the stuff they played was off Monumension and Below the Lights, but they also played some stuff off the split with Emperor! I met the singer before the show, he was really cool. I got a picture, I'd post it but I'm not a premium member :(
snow_like_ash said:
I saw them in Providence last night. THEY FUCKING OWNED! Most of the stuff they played was off Monumension and Below the Lights, but they also played some stuff off the split with Emperor! I met the singer before the show, he was really cool. I got a picture, I'd post it but I'm not a premium member :(

Great show. I was up front and to the left. I think I had on a cryptopsy shirt. That guy in the "pit" was gone. The one with the dreds, if you were up front youd know who I was talking about. People were about to destroy that guy.
Hey snow, if you want I'll host it for you on my UM space. :)

I would love to see Enslaved live, but unfortunately I'm broke and saving my money for the next AA tour. Quick question though.. Have any of you seen the Enslaved DVD yet? I'm wondering what all is on it. Thanks in advance!
THe enslaved DVD is killer!
Some songs from the emperor split
3 from frost: Jotunblod, loke, wotan
mardraum title track
the voices
3 from the new one i think: Queen of the night, Fire swept clean the earth, and something else.
SADUDE said:
Great show. I was up front and to the left. I think I had on a cryptopsy shirt. That guy in the "pit" was gone. The one with the dreds, if you were up front youd know who I was talking about. People were about to destroy that guy.
Yeah, me and a bunch of others were going to KILL that guy. Yah, I was in a cannibal corpse shirt, I was taking alot of pictures. Did you see that stoned old guy doing interpretive dance?
snow_like_ash said:
Yeah, me and a bunch of others were going to KILL that guy. Yah, I was in a cannibal corpse shirt, I was taking alot of pictures. Did you see that stoned old guy doing interpretive dance?
haha, no unfortunately I missed that guy, as I was very stoned as well.
Yea my friend ducked behind the dred-head and i pushed him over him. LOL it was hilarious.
Here's the picture of snow_like_ash and Gruttle Kjellson of Enslaved.
