Viking Metal


New Metal Member
May 28, 2004
I have never really heard any Viking Metal, I am more of a solo-guitar and raw vocalist fan, would Viking Metal suit me right? :erk:
Moonsorrow, Butterfly Temple, and Asmegin are my favourites, in that order, and I hear that Einherjer is pretty good. But judging by your description, you wouldn't much like them. You might want to try earlier viking metal, like Bathory's Blood Fire Death or Hammerheart.
The above mentioned are all quite good, but as you are more a lyrical person, I think I should add some other Bathory albums as well, which are:
Twilight of the gods
Nordland I
Nordland II also can`t go wrong with those!

And from Thyrfing the most typical viking album is "Urkraft". I wouldn`t recommend the other Thyrfing CDs to you, as they are more progressive (and not as melodic as for instance the Bathory albums).
Domoritus said:
I love Mithotyn, but I haven't been able to find their albums anywhere ... you got any idea where I could get them?

I got mine at the local Relapse Records shop, they always have them in stock, at least here at the Philly store. You can get em on ebay, prolly easier that way.