Viking Metal

Intolerance said:

Do you believe that there is such a thing as folk metal?

I'm not experienced enough with this style of band to determine whether or not it deserves a classification unto itself, but with my base familiarity with type of music, folk seems to be a mere add-on to another style of Metal in most cases moreso than an altogether new form.
If Viking metal is a subgenre based on the lyrical theme, then so should be 'satanic metal', 'misery metal' and 'anger metal'.

Distinguishing 'Viking Metal' from folk metal is simply done by those scandenavians who saw the term folk metal being used for metal based on folk music from the other parts of the world.

Amon Amarth is simply black metal with a lyrical theme of vikings/war/norse mythology.
How the hell is Amon Amarth black metal?

I do not consider viking metal to be a valid genre, but it's easy to just call all those black/thrash/Scandinavian folk hybrids viking metal, cause everyone knows what it means. This would however exclude bands such as Amon Amarth.
okay name some "folk metal" bands then sense there is a debate on "viking metal" not being a subgenre...
even though there was Bathory but I guess thats beside my point.
I really would just like to find some good bands under the genre to expand my metal intellect
Well folk metal just makes a little more sense because there's actually a "sound" to it unlike viking metal which people have yet to inform me what sounds like.
Folk metal = the fusing of folk music elements from one's home country with metal; i.e. Finntroll, Vintersorg, Skyclad

Viking metal = metal with lyrics heavily influenced by Nordic history, vikings and their sagas being the most prominent. i.e. Bathory (in albums such as "Blood Fire Death", "Hammerheart" and the "Nordland" saga), usually categorized with folk metal.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Folk metal = the fusing of folk music elements from one's home country with metal; i.e. Finntroll, Vintersorg, Skyclad
It doesn't have to be one's home country. Take The Firstborn as an example. The folk elements they use clearly do not belong in Portugal.