VIKING reissue

Don't know why the band hates jewel cases, as they say, but this "eco wallet" is too fragile for being moved many times.

I would understand if the band is all eco and don't want to endorse plastic pollution etc. but YOU CAN produce eco-wallet package with more panels and booklet so it is worth the price and actually can have band story, archive photos, lyrics included.

It is easy to say "we hate jewel cases" and crank the cheapest packaging available. Then blame the fans when they don't want to support such product...
They are legit. If you check Uruzbu facebook page they are releasing the Viking/man of straw on cd also. They released the Liege Lord/master control and Intruder/Psycho savant cds as well.
The prices for these things to be shipped directly from Marquee are gonna be retarded. They have the Gammacide disc I need, but I am not spending $50 for a single CD, no way. These Viking CD's will be the same. I have a hard time finding domestic distributors for the Marquee stuff, and end up having to wait for the CD's to show up on Amazon, etc; used, before I even have a chance at obtaining them for a reasonable price.
The prices for these things to be shipped directly from Marquee are gonna be retarded. They have the Gammacide disc I need, but I am not spending $50 for a single CD, no way. These Viking CD's will be the same. I have a hard time finding domestic distributors for the Marquee stuff, and end up having to wait for the CD's to show up on Amazon, etc; used, before I even have a chance at obtaining them for a reasonable price.

I know there are at least a few distros that carry Marquee Records stuff. I just ordered the second Iron Angel record (Marquee release) from Dark Descent Records. I don't think they carry much other Marquee items though.
The prices for these things to be shipped directly from Marquee are gonna be retarded. They have the Gammacide disc I need, but I am not spending $50 for a single CD, no way. These Viking CD's will be the same. I have a hard time finding domestic distributors for the Marquee stuff, and end up having to wait for the CD's to show up on Amazon, etc; used, before I even have a chance at obtaining them for a reasonable price.

Not to mention that Marquee is not supposed to sell GAMMACIDE outside of Brazil. The band contacted me some time ago offering the same release and told me Marquee pressing is "to be sold in South America only", and already "sold out"... this was like 2-3 years ago :)
Marquee are hard to deal with. I get Armando contacting me for a trade, and then he totally disappears without following through. I really have no idea why he does this, but it has happened to me 2-3 times in a row now.
Not to mention that Marquee is not supposed to sell GAMMACIDE outside of Brazil. The band contacted me some time ago offering the same release and told me Marquee pressing is "to be sold in South America only", and already "sold out"... this was like 2-3 years ago :)

Sentinel Steel had ALL of the Marquee stuff by the truckload a few years ago. That is how I acquired them all. So much for only "South America" it's why I refuse to do territorial licensing anymore unless i KNOW i can do well with it.
Sentinel Steel had ALL of the Marquee stuff by the truckload a few years ago. That is how I acquired them all. So much for only "South America" it's why I refuse to do territorial licensing anymore unless i KNOW i can do well with it.

Yeah, I talked to Denis about him trying to find me this stuff, and to keep an eye out. But he doesn't have any of the Marquee stuff as of now. I'm sending in a bunch of CD's for trade/credit. So, I'll have it when/if it makes it's way to him someday.
Not to mention that Marquee is not supposed to sell GAMMACIDE outside of Brazil. The band contacted me some time ago offering the same release and told me Marquee pressing is "to be sold in South America only", and already "sold out"... this was like 2-3 years ago :)

Why don't you do it? I know a lot of people who missed out on getting that reissue, because of the reasons you just stated. They can't possibly want too much for it.

On second thought, they probably do...

EDIT: Armondo just sent me a FB request. We'll see what he wants. Maybe I can get him to cough up a copy for less than $75!
I didn't do it because 2-3 years ago every US distro had Marquee copies at regular prices. Even today I think the market would saturate quite fast.

Like the rest of us, Sentinel Steel imported stuff via trades mostly, and once he put his label on hold = no fresh stock to trade with = his inventory got limited. He really needs to restart his label if he wants to get back on track...
I didn't do it because 2-3 years ago every US distro had Marquee copies at regular prices. Even today I think the market would saturate quite fast.

Like the rest of us, Sentinel Steel imported stuff via trades mostly, and once he put his label on hold = no fresh stock to trade with = his inventory got limited. He really needs to restart his label if he wants to get back on track...

Something must be going right. He just rented warehouse space for his online store.
Is that like when the CDInzane dude says he has a warehouse and posts some stock photo?

Oh, probably. But I don't care if he does it out of his mom's sewing room. He's quick, doesn't rip me off too badly on trades, and his used CD's are always in excellent condition. I got one complaint about Den. He insists on wrapping everything he sends me in packing tape. And I don't mean the box. I mean the actual CD's! He takes all the discs, puts them in plastic bags (thank God for that!), and wraps packing tape around the lot of them, tight as he can. It takes me a half hour to undo it every time I get stuff from him. Denis, what the fuck?!?!:mad: I told him to stop it, but he won't...
Oh, probably. But I don't care if he does it out of his mom's sewing room. He's quick, doesn't rip me off too badly on trades, and his used CD's are always in excellent condition. I got one complaint about Den. He insists on wrapping everything he sends me in packing tape. And I don't mean the box. I mean the actual CD's! He takes all the discs, puts them in plastic bags (thank God for that!), and wraps packing tape around the lot of them, tight as he can. It takes me a half hour to undo it every time I get stuff from him. Denis, what the fuck?!?!:mad: I told him to stop it, but he won't...

Ugh CDInzane. I ordered there once and never will again.
Ugh CDInzane. I ordered there once and never will again.

If someone dares buy anything from CDInzane, then they are...well, insane! Their prices for domestic CD's is laughable! I called them up one time, because I just HAD to ask them why the fuck they were listing Metal Blade Records US releases for $54.00???? I kept the guy on the phone for almost a half an hour, handing out a verbal beating. Good times.
I actually buy a ton from the guy at ProgPower every year because his stuff is always marked down (like, a lot) and it's all in front of you so you know what you're getting and won't have a problem.