Cinnamon and Sodomy
That sounds like me down to a tee, not to mention just how un-smooth I am. The past few big social/party piss-ups I went to I dragged some guy into some deep philosophical conversation (though they seemed quite interested by what I had to say, or pretended to). I'm a drunk who's philosophical or likes to talk about ideas, not a 'kerrazy' or 'cool' drunk, which is a shame cos girls seem to like the latter. When I do lose myself when I get drunk people just don't dig it.
Back to the whole musician thing, I often tell myself that I'm not going to have that arrogant rockstar attitude if I ever make it big, because I know how demeaning it is when some up-himself twat acts all condescending to you, though I have that problem with normal people, not just rock stars (very few of whom I've met). I don't think I'm going to get to the stage where I'll have to deal with annoying fanboys, though obviously it means I've made it if so!
It's hard really, I'm hardly famous, but at a point I was well known by people in my City and quite respected, due to my art and musiccc. Along with this popularity I became pretty bitter and in some ways I seemed like a very arrogant woman. I didn't feel I was arrogant, I was still as nice as always only I became more distant. When you're meeting a new person every few hours, you don't have the time to give them all your attention and most of the time I never really wanted to talk too deeply with EVERYONE I met, because I don't enjoy revealing too much about myself and talking so much usually about the same thing over and over becomes irritating. I was happy to accept their praises and compliments and happy enough to just have short brief conversations with them... but nothing much more.
It's a shame because in the end a lot of people believed I was arrogant and on a huge ego trip, which is completely not true.