vintersorg and destroyer 666- what do they sound like?

Since Destroyer 666 have already been described, I'll just recommend them strongly.

Unchain the wolves unchain the wolves unchain the wolves
Set them fuckin' wild!
zombie havoc said:
i hear about these bands a lot. what type of metal do they play?

and would you recommend them?

vintersorg is great:

  • hedniskhjärtad - great epic black metal with a lot of folk influences
  • till fjälls - awesome folk/black metal with a lot of clear singing
  • ödemarkens son - like till fjällls, but a lot less black metal and not as good
  • cosmic genesis - a mix of the earlier and (progressive) later albums
  • visions from the spiral generator - "progressive metal" pretty wierd but good
  • the focusing blur - haven't heard it, more experimental and progressive than VFTSG