Vintersorg in Skellefteå!

Onde Erik

Oct 10, 2001
Gothenburg, Sweden
This is great, as I'm typing they're performing one of the new songs: Universums dunkla alfabet. :headbang:
I'm recording the show and will put an MP3 up soon...
I recorded it as well, and have spent the evening
splitting all the tracks, naming them etc :eek:)

I'm checking out your recording now Onde Eirik,
by the way, what bitrate did you make it into?
Still 14 minutes till I have it all down....
Yeah Final Vision I just spent over 2 hours d/l it. Listening to it all for the first time now! Thanks a lot Onde really cool of you to do this.
I was thinking about splitting it into multiple tracks, but I felt lazy at the time.
The bitrate is 160 kbps, 44 kHz.
Perhaps I should've lowered it, but sometimes I forget that there are people who don't have a DSL connection or better...
WOOT! That was a kick ass set. The new song sounded great but it was kinda heard to tell because of the quality (trust me the quality was good, just not the best to make a good judgment :D ) I did however love that shredding action Mattias (?) broke out in the intro! BUT OH MY GOD! I couldnt have been the only one who clapped when Vintersorg introduced Till Fjalls at the end, and the piano intro came in. I litterally smiled, clapped, and said "YEAH!". GREAT FUCKIN SET VINTERSORG! Andreas' voice is amazing live as well.

Final_Vision: a happy camper.......
Originally posted by Final_Vision
The new song sounded great but it was kinda heard to tell because of the quality (trust me the quality was good, just not the best to make a good judgment :D )

I think that the recording in itself, from the
radiostation's side was quite bad, cause I
first recorded the whole thing in .WAV (!!!)
format to get the best sound, and later on
converted it to mp3 at 192 kbps, and it's
not all THAT much different from Onde Eiriks
recording when it comes to quallity. Either
the radiostation did a bad job, or the
sound was bad live >:eek:) Me thinks.... >:eek:P
nah I could tell the playing was good, but the way Andreas was hidden sometimes and when the symbals kinda overtook everything........I could tell the live performance itself was dead on.......tho I kinda missed the "ohhh ohhh ohhhh" in the Dialouge with the Stars chorus. :cry:
If I'm not mistaken the venue is really small, so it might have been hard to achieve optimal recording conditions.
The P3 recordings are usually better (c.f. In Flames live in Gothenburg).
Originally posted by Morgana

thanks, I guess I have to keep awake :D
I'll hurry... promise!

I don't care if you hurry or not, but I'm not
sure how long I'll be albe to keep it there....
But if I have to take it down I'll upp it
someplace else, no prob :eek:)
Anything for a fellow music-lover :eek:)