Vintersorg rulez!


New Metal Member
May 9, 2001
I finally had the patience to listen to Till Fjälls and Ödermarkens Son from start to finish, and I'm amazed why I have had this music for 5 months and never paid enough attention to.

I must admit, the language was a deterrent. I love singing along, but Vintersorg it will take considerably longer. Ahhh, we stupid Anglos...
Whaaaaaat? you've waited that long before listening to him?
shame shame shame :loco:
at least you did! great stuff he does, i must tell
Yeah we never really realise the power of some bands until we pay close attention to it , at the begining at my first fast listen to cosmic genesis
i tough this was crappy viking metal...and all a change i bought the album and pay attention to it !
Well its better late than never :) After you listen to those masterpieces, get Cosmic Genesis. Then you can sing along as he sings in English for the most part.
Vintersorg rules Indeed!! I had Isjungfrun, Tussmörkret and Månskensmänn for a long time...I got sick and tired of them, and I didn't bother to download more songs. But then, when I finally did, I realized how amazing this guy really is!! Now I'm listening to the songs all the time, and I keep downloading new ones!!!

By the way, can anybody give me the name of the top 5 Vintersorg-songs so I can download the best of the best?
Hmm top 5 songs for me would be....

-Dialouge with the Stars - Cosmic Genesis
-Norrland - Hedniskjaertad (all time fav)
-Till Fjalls - Till Fjalls
-The Enigamatic Spirit (a metal ballad done well, sing along! :lol:
-For Kung och Fosterland - Till Fjalls

Note: Didnt put anything from Odenmarks because....:cry: I DONT OWN IT....
alright cool. Norrland is a damn majestic song, my first Vintersorg song and still my fav. Dialouge has an amazing chorus. One of my favs off cosmic genesis.
I just bought Borknagar - Empiricism, and I must say it is a very good album!! Vintersorg does an amazing vocaljob on this one! This album really showd me how important the vocals are. There is a huge difference on this one compared to other Borknagar albums...If you havn't got it, buy it NOW!!!!
Vintersorgm, kicks ass!!!! I am addicted to it. I can't get it out of my head. I can only understand like 2% of what he's saying and I feel the urge to sing along but can only make strange sounds in failed mimicry. Oh well, anyway-- His voice is superb and cool as hell sounding. As is the music.
Mountains, Forests, and Vikings!
I'm ever-thankful for discovering Vintersorg (or, rather, having it shoved into my face;)) this year -- it's just stellar stuff :o The first time I sat down and listened to Cosmis Genesis all the way through, my jaw dropped.