Vintersorg's poems

Originally posted by Melancholia
Blackspirit@ Opera???i've never heard about this browser...I use explorer.....and strange i tried now again and i can only click the misc day it works,the other not..... wtf?? :confused: :cry:

You really should check it out, all of you! Either you
love it or you hate it I guess! :o) I didn't like it at
first, but then I descovered all the smart things
about this browser...

It only opens browser-windows within the Opera-
programme, you can open links or new browser-
windows by just moving your mouse in a specific
way etc, I love it. Easy and fast. Some sites get
fucked up, but then you just open explorer and try
it there.

Weird about the Vintersorg site not working
properly on your computer... Maybe you just have
to reinstall explorer, I really don't know much
about these things, just a guess :o)
Originally posted by Blackspirit

You really should check it out, all of you! Either you
love it or you hate it I guess! :o) I didn't like it at
first, but then I descovered all the smart things
about this browser...

It only opens browser-windows within the Opera-
programme, you can open links or new browser-
windows by just moving your mouse in a specific
way etc, I love it. Easy and fast. Some sites get
fucked up, but then you just open explorer and try
it there.

Weird about the Vintersorg site not working
properly on your computer... Maybe you just have
to reinstall explorer, I really don't know much
about these things, just a guess :o)


It reminds me of this thing in the Diablo II Strategy Guide... It says: "When Diablo is about to use Lightning Inferno, he makes a certain face..." And they don't even say what his face looks like. Pretty funky stuff. I said that, 'cause you said you have to move your mouse in a specific way. But how would that be?
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead


It reminds me of this thing in the Diablo II Strategy Guide... It says: "When Diablo is about to use Lightning Inferno, he makes a certain face..." And they don't even say what his face looks like. Pretty funky stuff. I said that, 'cause you said you have to move your mouse in a specific way. But how would that be?

Hehe.... I have no idea what you're takling about
here! Hehe.... But with the moving my mouse in a
specific way;

You right-click and move your mouse down to the
right and the browserwindow closes. Rightclick a
link and move your mouse down and up, you open
the link in a new browserwindow, and the new
window til NOT be active etc etc etc. You only
move your mouse a _little_ :o)

I really like it, doesn't make my arm so damn tired
you know? I'm not familiar with all the keyboard
shortcuts :o/
Explorer is the best browser out there (when talking about sites implementing) but I know it sucks it takes the foundations of the OS
oh,indeed it would be so great :)
I love the way swedish sound.... and Vintersorg's poems are really beautiful ones :cry:

and since we are talking about poetry,the other day i found a poem of a swedish poet called Karin Boye (she is one of my favourites :) ) ....mmm rather a sad poet,she commited suicide back in 1941,at the age of 41 years old....this poem is so beautiful :) i translated it for my special being and i think it would be nice to post it here :)

Och regnade det i nätter och da'r...

Och regnade det i nätter och da'r,
>and it was raining nights and days
så skulle jag dock ej klaga:
>yet i wouldn't complain
var droppe är som kristall så klar
>every drop is like a crystal so clear
och skön som den skönaste saga,
>and beautiful like the most beautiful fairytale
ett spätt litet väsen, så fagert och ungt,
>a delicate little being,so fair and young
som sakta från molnet faller
>that falls slowly from the cloud
och glider till marken och somnar tungt
>and glides to the ground and sleeps heavily
vid glittret av tusen kristaller.
>by the glitter of thousand crystals