
yeah, youll need an amp of some type. i use my powered amp/mixer (aka, my PA)


the record player wasnt hookd up when i took this. but you can see my mixer and stuff...

edit: wow, my carpets look clean!
How much is a fucking reveiver?

How much will this all cost!?

It can be cheap...or it can be absolutely rediculously expensive. Some of that hi-fi stuff is really for millionaire only I believe.

I suggest you buy the system here at the bottom. Would probably play alright...

The receiver I have was averagely priced (I believe it was 500$ when I bought it like 4-5 years ago). It wasn't the in the cheaper range but it wasn't in the most expensive stuff either.

Don't you have stores in Chicago that you could go and check?
do all the cool kids buy expensive turntables?

but seriously, why? you should compare quality rather than price.
the more it costs the greater the chance of their being decent components inside. I have separate amp, CD player and speakers, got the lot in a sale for about $750 USD (i converted it for you). I'm also thinking of buying a turntable and if I do I'll buy it with my mum, paying about $75 dollars each for an alright one, maybe used maybe not unsure.
Yeah you can go one of two ways:

1. Buy a receiver and run it directly through that. This is probably your best option as you will be able to connect a bunch of other stuff to it.

2. Go separates but this will get more expensive.

Keep in mind that your playback will depend on the quality of the turntable, receiver, and speakers as a whole. I think if you're planning on spending $200 for a full system, you may find yourself disappointed in the results. Small audio repair stores would be a good way to get a decent setup cheap.

My rig is old, dating from the early 70's but I just had the turntable and receiver calibrated and cleaned up. The speakers are in the shop now getting recapped and cleaned.
Alter, look around some local pawn shops at stereo units and speakers. Check the classifieds of the local newspapers. Ask relatives and your friends' parents. You can get a decent setup without paying tons of money. You don't need top of the line equipment. Get a decent system and then blow the rest of the money on the records...because they can get a bit pricey