
My grandpa just passed so I can maybe get a decent receiver and speakers for free. I will need a decent turntable which should be easy to find.
For quality you're going to pay a lot more. Although I don't know about his turntable, Ben T is running nice gear with the Denon and Paradigm speakers but the price is way more than $300.

Yeah, what I have is a lot more than 300$ for everything.

Speakers were probably like 1000$ with taxes. CD player and receiver another 1000$ together. And I paid the turntable 200$ used (was worth 400$ new here). But then again, I didn't have anything close to that when I was still in school.

Here's some information on the turntable:
I just got my reworked speakers back after three weeks. Even with these I had to put $500 into them to get the sounding the way they should. This is an expensive habit.

I'm still having a cabinet for the vinyl made so I won't put a pic of it up right now. It looks ghetto the way I have to store the vinyl. Milk crates would be an upgrade.
This is my set up. The turntable cost $100 and the amplifier and both sets of speakers belonged to my father.



My grandpa just passed so I can maybe get a decent receiver and speakers for free. I will need a decent turntable which should be easy to find.

Do you mean he passed away since the start of this thread? Sorry to hear that.

I am reading this thread and just trippin' out. This is such a computer generation. You didn't even know that you needed an amp to play a turntable on some speakers. Trip. You typically need an amp to play anything (CD, cassette player, record player) through speakers. I'm not trying to diss you or whatevr. It's just funny to old people.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and forget hooking it up to your computer. The point of vinyl is to listen to the analog signal that vinyl supplies, not to chop it up and put it in a computer. I want me a turntable...