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Jul 4, 2003
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As I walked down the street today with my Tennis racket in one hand and my bag on my shoulders on my way to meet my friend at the Tennis courts, I walked past "something" tube station where upon my eyes, hidden behind sunglasses fixed themselves upon a particularly sexy and beautiful black girl. As I was wearing the suglasses I proceeded to stare at her legs long after she had walked by me....
until my range of vision no longer allowed it, then i proceeded on course for the Tennis court and back to reality.

At the moment that I saw her, several thoughts entered my mind but the one most prominent was the idea of walking over to her and asking if she wanted to shag, however my sense of logic soon overpowered my record 0.6 second reaction from soft to boner and I discarded that idea.


Please note that certain London tube stations names have been alterted to protect the innocent.
hmmm, string bikinis that magically fall off because of a pressure washer.

gotta love a heat wave...also because of the breathtaking thunderstorms and lightning that follow it up...always a romantic thing to look at...then go inside to direct and star in your own personal porno.
girls are so cool it makes me want to punch my mother in the face and wet my pants. they flip out and have sex with random people if they get really pissed.