I'm such an idiot!


Hengität. Et hengitä enää
Jul 31, 2001
Whiterapids, Finland
I saw this cute girl in a bar yesterday and we "changed looks" when she walked by. I told Mazah about it and he was just like "yeah yeah whatever". Anyway... She was getting drinks with her friend and I went to get a beer also just to check her out. Then she walked by me, grabbed my ass and gave me the *grr* look. SOLD!
I later went to look for her, found her and didn't have the guts to go and talk. She just looked at me and smiled... I'm such a fucking loser. I don't know her name or anything. Only thing is that I'm going to the fucking bar today also if it's open and hope she is there.
Dude, you'll have another go next weekend on Mari's birthday. We'll most likely end up in the same bar anyway. Did i really do that "yeah yeah whatever" thing? And, BTW, the only one who really thinks you're a loser is you. It's all in you're head. If you had went, you would have scored. You'll just try again next friday, ok? I'll make shure you do, otherwise i'm going to have to kick your hairy arse.
I was going to say "she was a whore, anyways", but that tiny bit of politeness tells me not to after your last message. And you'd guessed what I was going to say, so there you are.

"To embrace a woman is to embrace a sack of manure"- Saint Odo of Cluny, agreeing with Saint Jerome, who said that "Woman is a tool of Satan and a pathway to Hell".

"Juuri tällaisia nuoret naiset ovat: kätkättäviä hirviöitä, jotka pitkin, terävin hampain nakertavat miesten kiveksiä."

"Toivoisi vain, että naiset itsekin myöntäisivät olevansa paskassa ja liejussa rämpiviä visvavittuisia apinanaaraita, sen sijaan että esittävät jotain jaloa ja ylevää."

1. Kor 7:1 "Hyvä on miehelle olla naiseen ryhtymättä"
Ja minä kun luulin että raamatussa tuomitaan homoseksuaalisuus. :)

Toni: Don't beat yourself down for not having the courage. Those kind of things get easier with practise (I'd assume, haven't really ever been able to do that myself. :)) and it's been a while since you would have needed to do something like that... :)
Oh, and good luck!
Downfall said:
Ja minä kun luulin että raamatussa tuomitaan homoseksuaalisuus. :)

Siellähän nyt tuomitaan kaikki. Ei saa panna miehiä eikä naisia. Mitä jää jäljelle? Lapset ja eläimet? Mainitaanko siellä mitään runkkimisesta?
Mazah said:
Siellähän nyt tuomitaan kaikki. Ei saa panna miehiä eikä naisia. Mitä jää jäljelle? Lapset ja eläimet? Mainitaanko siellä mitään runkkimisesta?

Raamatussa on henkilö, joka "ei ikinä päästänyt siemäntään naisen sisään" ja ko. kirjan mukaan tämä on hyvin tuomittavaa. Tästä on kuitenkin ilmeisesti kahta koulukuntaa, onko kyseessä ollut runkkiminen vai aikuisviihteestä tuttu "tuun sun kasvoille" -tyylinen ratkaisu. Itse olen jälkimmäisen kannalla!
Now also in English! "1 Corinthians 7:1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman." Unfortunately, 7:2 continues as "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband." That I find to be gravely incorrect, but I stand firmly behind the first one.

And about the Finnish conversation of the topic: that sentence does not judge the relation between a man and a woman. It merely carries undisputably the wisest advice of all times. Woman truly is a tool of Satan and a pathway to Hell, and for Toni: let's not mix the truth with metalheads' retarded ramblings - Hell is a state of infinite suffering and pain, not something satanistically theoretical bullshit to thrive for.

(PS. Hail Satan / Hali Hitlur)
"When I look at a woman I find it hard to see past the evil." You're going down, Toni. Downtown.

Seriously, good luck with that. :D