I'm such an idiot!

Damn, mate! She grabbed your arse and you still didn't do anything. A girl I use to acquaint with did the same thing to me back when I was 18. I just thought... Wtf?!?!?! The climax of hints occured when I came over to her apartment one day and she said. "Maybe I need myself a white guy", and passed me a couple condoms" (She previously was dating a black man) I stood still puzzled. (Was she joking?). I stared at the condoms as the moment passed in a breeze of awkwardness. I'll never make that mistake again.
My sympathies Nevershine! I've once been in a similar situation. I went to a bar with a couple of friends and a girl, ex-girlfriend of a friend of mine, and she was like "You're not that type of guy who uses girls and shit, aight" I nodded (and honestly, I wasn't tricking her) and after a few, she (literally) asked if I wanted to date her, I thought to myself "no, that's no possible, she's playing tricks on me," so I said yes, but I waved no with my head and smiled and she was like *grin*, the night still ran on and on, and I endedup knowing by a common friend of ours, that she was realy interested in me, but when I got back to her, she was already in alchoolic comma and nothing happened after... (well, I took her home...)

I think it's with this type of mistakes we learn, but sometimes the cost to learn is a far too expensive one...