Vivaldi in Symphony X


New Metal Member
Sep 13, 2013
Hello everyone!

I'm a big fan of metal music in general and progressive metal in particular. I've been listening to Symphony X for a while now, enjoying its many songs and tracks throughout the different albums. I really like the neo-classical theme in many of their songs, like the epic beginning of Smoke and Mirrors.

This morning, a friend of mine, who is a classical music conductor, shared a YouTube video - this one:

Its title is Vivaldi : Concerto per mandolini RV558 (allegro molto). It reminds me of a song of Symphony X, but I can't point out which one. I started skimming through all of the band's albums, but it is still very difficult for me to find the correct part, if it even exists.

Can anyone recognize? Did Symphony X implement/refer/ripoff the sound of this creation in one of their songs?

I would appreciate any help!

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It reminds me of A Fool's Paradise, but the part in question actually is from Bach's Harpsichord concerto. I don't think SyX has ever used a part of a Vivaldi piece like they've done multiple times with Bach.
I don't understand why there isn't any clear written reference to these classical composers. This should be a mandatory tribute.
It's because the compositions are public domain. I personally do agree that it would be good form to inform whatever piece you have used anyway, yes.
I don't hear it either.

As for the Vivaldi concerto... it's vaguely similar in parts to the intro of Masquerade '98, I suppose. Maybe that's what it reminds you of?