Vocals on the next album.


Jan 6, 2004
I was thinking how Jonas could improve and explore his voice more for the coming album. I think it could be cool if he tried to use more of his lower register. He has a natural pretty high voice, but I think he has some lower register as well that he hasn't really shown us. What do you think he could do for the next one?
It depends on what the music is like, and my opinion will ofcourse differ from song to song as well...
Every singer has his talent, and I think Jonas does what he is good at, on the latest albums. I don't think it would fit his voice, singing deep and low.
I like experiments and theories, so don't get sad ;)
I don't vote for a deep-low voice performed by Jonas on the next album.
Well, I wasn't talking about deep all the time, either. He has a nice style, and he should stick to it. But it would be nice to see some experimentation here and there, you know.
To be honest, I really liked his performance ALOT better on LFDGD. He explores his high register more than any other album, and it succeeds beautifully. VE focuses more on his mid-range vocals, which aren't bad by any means, but simply not as moving. Case in point, compare the vocals on Help Me Disappear to Burn The Remembrance. The former simply shreds the latter in terms of emotional and despairing ferocity.
Yeah, its pretty deep there I guess. And it sounds good, so he could do that again. I also prefer his performance on VE, but only slightly more than LFDGD.
Well that's not Jonas is it? Nyström growls the backing vocals. Anyhow, those would be preferred here, but rather in a softer or more atmospheric musical setting than Viva Emptiness.
Gotta agree with The Scourge, Jonas is at his best on Last Fair Deal.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Well that's not Jonas is it? Nyström growls the backing vocals. Anyhow, those would be preferred here, but rather in a softer or more atmospheric musical setting than Viva Emptiness.
Gotta agree with The Scourge, Jonas is at his best on Last Fair Deal.
Sorry, but it´s Daniel who growls on the Ghost of the Sun... not Anders. Though Anders does backing vocals on gigs.
the growls on ghost of the sun are cool, right. but i think a new katatonia album should not have many of them on it, just because i think growls can not be as emotional as jonas' clean vocals, and i want the music to be "emotional"... as background growls could be good, but (just like daimonion said) not too often...

btw: i think jonas' voice is best at VE
Do you guys think the fact that he played guitar on VE made an impact on his vocals whereas i believe he focused solely on the vocals on LFDGD? Although i assume it doesnt make much of a difference in the studio.
midgetwar said:
Do you guys think the fact that he played guitar on VE made an impact on his vocals whereas i believe he focused solely on the vocals on LFDGD? Although i assume it doesnt make much of a difference in the studio.
Interresting question. I don't know, if it had any impact, but VE seems to be less based on vocal melodies than LFDGD. Also, the vocals are tuned down a little in the mix.
I think that jonas' history has proven that he is progressing rapidly in finding HIS voice. It isnt hard to initate someone elses voice, and I think he is searching for his voice. One of my questions is will there be vibrato? Any?
I have also enjoyed the harmonies on VE more than the others and would like to see that more often.
The growls I think will be there in a background kind of way like on VE. I niether agree or disagree with this aproach.
Whatever they do I think I will love it because its them and they will always be the shit.