Volume 8 - The Threat Is Real

Thought I'd join in on this little thread for a bit.

I will burn cds for others to spread the music I listen to. I am not selling these to make money off of the music. I have not sold any burned cd except for the price I bought the cd un-burned from Staples where I buy them on sale. 50 cds for $25, that means I'm selling the burned copy for 50 cents. I'm not out to make money off of my favorite bands. If I get a burned cd from someone else, I will usually buy the original when I can. Case in point was Korn's Issues album. I liked Korn when they first came out and have since sucked it up, Issues album an example of that. Eventhough I didn't like Issues, I still went out and bought it when it came out eventhough I had had the cd for 2 weeks before it came out. How much did I buy Korn's Issue for, the burned copy 2 weeks early? Nothing. My friends and I don't do that. We're not making money off of these cds. When I finish with my burned copy, I'll give my advance copy away. Another thing I do is make mp3's to put onto a cd, so I can store a bunch, and go to work and listen to them on my work computer in winamp. That way 1 cd in to work will have upwards of 8 actual full cds on it of music. Which is very very nice.

You can say I'm wrong all you want, but I don't really give a shit. It's a free country, say what the fuck you want to say. But you also will have to understand that I will say what the fuck I want to say too.
Look I don't doubt that you may go and buy some band that you might have listened to on a possibly burned cd..... but copying a copyrighted piece of material(other than for purely personnal use) is illegal. And while your intentions MIGHT be of the Kindest form they are indeed illegal.....
My bottem line is to support the band.....
And indeed if this album is as hard as you say it is too get legally and you might have to resort to illegal measures to abscond a copy and justify your ways... hopefully the label will see alll this stuff and re-issue the album making money for Anthrax and those nasty evil no good out for themselves record companies who wish to make a profit off of their investment in a great band.
I just don't get people who complain that stuff like this is illegal. I think it makes them sound very hypoctitical. Who HASN'T done a bunch of different illegal things? Whether it's speeding, drinking under age, whatever.
Has anyone in Anthrax actually given THEIR opinions on the issue? "Band police" type people make no sense to me. I'm sure Anthrax is quite capable of taking care of Anthrax. What does the subject of burned cd's have to do with YOU? Band loyalty is all fine and well but, when people force THEIR personal morals and beliefs on other people, it just comes off as very self-righteous.

Right on, man! Like no one on this board has ever smoked weed or drank before they turned 21. I bet they never cut class or lied to their parents before either. And no one here pays attention the speed limit. I'd bet my Vol 8 on it, except that if I'm wrong, I won't be able to find it again, and I'll have to have gregthraX burn it for me, and then we'll have to start another debate about it. I'd like to hear someone who has actually recorded a CD of their own to bitch about THEIR CD. The rest of y'all can shut the hell up. You're coming across as holier-than-thou and there's nothing more annoying.

Oh and everyone bitching about burning CDs, I don't see you starting any campaigns against the companies that make the technology that make it possible for the rest of us to accomplish said burning. I can tell you my new burner is a Plextor 2000, go write a fucking letter to them about it. Here, I'll make it easy: www. plextor.com.

If you're that against it, DON'T DO IT. How hard is that?? But do you really think your bitching and moaning on a board is actually going to stop everyone from doing it? If you think you have that much influence in this world, you might as well kill yourself now, because you'll never survive. Everyone that got bitched out for burning CDs is now happily jamming away to their burned CDs, laughing at you.

I don't have anything downloaded or burned yet, but I'm not gonna sit here and say I didn't buy a burner, because I did, and that I won't ever download anything, because I'm sure I will, especially if I can't find it in a store. Or if it's from a band which otherwise sucks but has one or two good songs that are decent but not worth $15. But I'm not gonna sit here and try to lay a guilt trip on everyone about how they're behaving illegally.

It's a sad state of affairs when a little shit stain like Lars Ulrich has this many people agreeing with him. I'd say he was paying them all, but he's too fucking cheap to pull that one off. Maybe if he spent more time trying to make some decent music and less time suing his fans, we'd all be more than happy to run out and buy everything with Metallica's name on it, rather than download it so as not to waste our fucking money on the horseshit they've been trying to feed us lately.
Brat, you've got to be the stupidest person I've ever met. CD Burners have tons of legitimate purposes; trying to have them banned would be like trying to have cars banned because some people use them as getaway cars from bank robberies or in drive-by shootings. Nobody has said, "Hey, I'm perfect and have never done anything wrong, Lars is God!", they simply said that the majority of the people's lax attitude toward stealing music is pathetic.

And as for the debate, here goes:

Copying copyrighted material for purposes that don't fall under the guidelines of "fair use" (if you don't know what that means, go look it up) is illegal. Speeding is also illegal. I personally don't give a shit if you do either of them. It's your life, do whatever you want. Burning some songs for friends and downloading mp3s are excellent ways to spread the music. Hopefully, those that hear will buy it. The problem I see is when people copy and copy and never buy anything. That pisses me off. For any major act, the lost record sales will probably never be noticed, but for smaller and independent acts, most times it will hurt them. I've seen too many of my favorite bands forced to break up because their sales weren't good enough to think that rampant copying of music is a good thing. So basically, my belief is that copying to sample is great, copying to own is bad. In reality, copying for either is illegal, but it is about the equivalent of speeding.
Yeah, we've really "met" haven't we? That statement alone gives you the intelligence level I would expect from someone who babbles about stupid shit. What if someone considers "sampling" to be an entire CD, if it's from a band who has many? Who are you to decide how many songs is a sample? Who are any of us? Burners are to copy things; and just about everything has a copyright law on it. Go ahead and deny that. Your comparisons to cars is downright retarded. And you keep going on and on about how wrong it is, yet several people here have said if you don't fucking like it, don't do it. Just don't get all preachy at the rest of us, which you are quite obviously not capable of doing. You were the little fuckwad on the playground that ratted everyone out, I can already tell. By the way, the "no flaming" thing I agreed to, FUCK ALL OF YOU. He wants to call me stupid? "The stupidest person he's ever met"? THERE'S A GODDAMN FLAME IF I'VE EVER SEEN ONE. This place is fucking bullshit.
Hugs for Brat...It will be ok! I agree with you that comparing cd burning to cars is retarded. Burning music cd's for yourself is ok if you own the cd, but it's not ok when you copy them for other people or for money. I think that is the point of this conversation.

Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
Yeah, we've really "met" haven't we? That statement alone gives you the intelligence level I would expect from someone who babbles about stupid shit. What if someone considers "sampling" to be an entire CD, if it's from a band who has many? Who are you to decide how many songs is a sample? Who are any of us? Burners are to copy things; and just about everything has a copyright law on it. Go ahead and deny that. Your comparisons to cars is downright retarded. And you keep going on and on about how wrong it is, yet several people here have said if you don't fucking like it, don't do it. Just don't get all preachy at the rest of us, which you are quite obviously not capable of doing. You were the little fuckwad on the playground that ratted everyone out, I can already tell. By the way, the "no flaming" thing I agreed to, FUCK ALL OF YOU. He wants to call me stupid? "The stupidest person he's ever met"? THERE'S A GODDAMN FLAME IF I'VE EVER SEEN ONE. This place is fucking bullshit.
Brat, comparing cd burners to cars is a fine analogy. He is saying that legal things used for illegal purposes is wrong. Not that we should ban things that people use for illegal purposes. What don't you understand about that? You are the one who told us to write the burner makers to have them baned when the makers themselves will tell you that burning cd's to give out to your friends and so you dont have to buy them is illegal. Also this is the internet. A place for people to BE vocal, to voice their opinion if they sound preachy because their opinion is different than sorry, thats the way it goes I guess. My opinion ,if you care to hear it again, with a little more depth:
I don't care if it is legal or illegal. The reason I don't do it is because I want the bands to be paid for their work. Anthrax or any other band buts their blood sweat and tears in to making music and in my opinion its not fare to them if I just take what they intended to sell. Anthrax has not had the success of Metallica and I think every disc they sell helps them. Can you agree with that? I have around 1200 cds none of them are burned. Do I think that my opinion will make anybody change their mind on this issue? No, but this is a debate so thats what we are doing.
You say that its okay to burn metallica cds because lately they suck but lately Anthrax cds have not sucked and thats what we are talking about, thats how this thing got started because someone wanted to burn Vol 8 and give it to ppl.
Everything is cool, there is no reason to stop posting or coming to the boards this is just debating. Once I turn off the computer I will no longer think about this issue. I am adult enough to agree to disagree are you? This does not mean I dont like you or anyone else that has the oposing opinion of mine it just means that we dont agree on this issue.
Peace, Love and Groovieness to all, even if we don't always agree.
Here's my two pence worth. Back in the days before computers started their quest for world domination it was tape trading. ok most was demo stuff but lots of albums were taped. I had a paper round, and it took three weeks of saving to buy an album, my cousin taped me loads of albums which I couldn't afford at the time. This kept me interested in metal music,sure it was illegal but not one person in the country didn't do it. Not everyone has enough money to buy albums but why should they miss out? I would gladly copy an album for a friend just so the music gets heard.I think true fans of any band or genre of music will always buy origional copies of albums, some people will abuse the fact its easy to get copies but that happens with every thing nowadays.
I joined ultimatemetal to post on the Katatonia board but there a dour bunch, saw the Anthrax board and it was fun, shall I type that again FUN. Its a shame people are leaving this board over a Discussion that has raged on many a music forum.
Oh yeah, went to three local record shops last week, each had a copy of volume 8, god bless England (go on, send some hate my way) :grin: :grin: :grin:
Gotta say if you go to HMV, Andy's records and some places, you will find Volume 8. But not everywhere will you find it. I guess they had a better deal over in Euroipe than they did in America.
I found Volume 8 in 2 used CD stores over the weekend in fucking UTAH of all places. If you'd like, I can research on the web and find a dozen or so places that carry it. Anyway, thanks Vigilante for having something intelligent to say. I apologize to Brat for the "stupidest person I ever met" comment; I was in a pissy mood. I should have said, "that argument is ludicrous" 'cause I really don't know how intelligent she is in other areas. And my analogy was a perfect one. CD Burners have tons of legal uses: backing up data that you own, creating your own music CDs from stuff you've recorded, making video CDs of home movies, and on and on. So, banning them would be equivalent to banning cars; banning something that is perfectly legal in most respects but can be used for illegal purposes. Perhaps scanners would make more sense to you. They can be used for copying copyrighted photographs, books, etc, but they have legal purposes like scanning your own photos, drawings, writings, etc. Do you like that analogy better? I know you don't really believe they should be banned, but saying that we should petition to have CD burners banned because we don't agree with someone who is offering to copy a CD for anyone who emails him is idiotic at best. If the CD were in fact rare, which it is not (rare is not defined by whether your local CD store carries an item, if that were the case over 90% of my CDs would be rare), and the band said it was fine, then go ahead and copy away. I made a copy of a video game once for a friend because you could no longer buy it and I got permission from the company that made the game. Do I feel bad about that, no. Would I make a copy for anyone who asked, no, because the company asked that I just make the one copy. I would like to see that company succeed, as I'd like to see the bands I love succeed. I'm sorry that you can't understand that desire.
Did I say I wasn't coming back? No. I said this place is bullshit, which is what this thread has become. OF COURSE BURNER COMPANIES WILL TELL YOU NOT TO DO IT. Fuck. That's a non-issue. And it has nothing to do with their ethics. What fucking company is dumb enough to go yeah, that's perfect for it? Let's use a little common sense. As for other uses, come on now. Just because they have other uses doesn't mean that that's why they're purchased. Reality, people. If you would actually open up your eyes and read, you would know that I have bought every CD of every band that I have ever wanted to see make it. I was just saying it's a free country and that if people want to burn, they're going to burn. You can't stop them, and bitching about it and preaching about how illegal it is isn't going to do a fucking thing about it. Rant on and on all you want, people are burning right now while you read this. So just get over it. You want to change people's actions? There are other ways to do it, which is why I said write the fucking companies if it will make YOU feel any better. Cause nothing else you do is going to work. I never said it was going to get you anywhere. And by the way, I haven't seen Vol 8 since I bought it four years ago, and I look in every store I go into. How else would you define rare? I would think something that takes years to find can be considered rare. I don't buy used CDs. As for your apology, save it. I could care less about your mood swings. But then again, I'm just a stupid fucking idiotic girl, so what do I know??