Vote for Dark Tranquillity on UM!

Originally posted by Tranquillian
metal n00b :p

her or them? ;)

@steve420: maybe you could also post the links to the other rounds as soon as they become available? some people here doesn't check the chat forum often, and you'll be a sweetie if you do. :)

do i sound gay? :err:

Originally posted by Everlost
They're viking metal...
Does that mean they go around in furry clothes (notice how i said clothes and not slips), carrying swords, wearing heavy horned helmets, with their long blondish hair waving in the wind, and occasionally singing a bit too? :p

Siren (swedish manowar?)
Siren bis (oh and thanks for the link ;))
Originally posted by Siren
Does that mean they go around in furry clothes (notice how i said clothes and not slips), carrying swords, wearing heavy horned helmets, with their long blondish hair waving in the wind, and occasionally singing a bit too? :p

Yeah.. I guess it does :)
If you are still interested (if you ever were..) you might try to find the songs Dragons of the north, Crimson Rain or Naar Aftonsolen Rinner

They are all cool songs to listen to when you're out in the forest, singing, fighting and letting your blondish hair wave in the wind :D
@Everlost: I wasn't really interested in the beginning, but since i got some free time i'll try to grab those songs. :)
From the chat forum:
Originally posted by mourningstar
jesus, 50 votes? :eek:
where are all these people coming from? :confused: the dt board??

I'll post future polls with DT. another one is coming this week :)
assuming we don't get 50 Einherjer fans voting for them in the next hour and cause DT to lose :lol:
no Ormir ATG vs DT has no chance at all
maybe Opeth versus DT would be cool,to see which band has more fanboys
ATG onws ye all!!!
*runs away*
Opeth will win. I see polls on that forum receive more than 100 replies routinely. I could see them trying to garner support by taking the example here, and beating DT at least 2:1.
Originally posted by mourningstar
well, in all honesty i don't think it's a great idea to call all the friends to vote for your favourite band. i know everyone on um has the right to vote, but you can understand very well that here in the chat section we have what we can consider a representative sample - not being any particular band's board - and that's why we can have a contest like this one nafnikufesin is doing without having an obvious winner.
it's clear that having here half of the voters from a single board voting only when their favourite band is involved alters the results, and i don't think it's something nice to do if you consider that here there are people who use to vote for every match of every round expecting to have a trustworthy result.
obviously i'm not saying dt fans cannot vote (every time we vote we do it because we're fans of this or that band); what i'm saying is that i don't consider fair to tell other people to come here and vote. we're not doing some lobbying. it would be easy for everyone to ask all the people on a certain forum to come here and vote for their band, but that's not what we've been doing, i don't think this is the "vote for the band with the biggest/ best/ full of jerks able to click on the mouse fans".

this is perhaps the most hilarious thing i've heard this month. aside from the fact that i still don't know what a "full of jerks" is supposed to be, i think the very idea of having a more fair competition by getting less people to vote is what scientists would call a "load of crap". :lol:

Originally posted by rahvin
this is perhaps the most hilarious thing i've heard this month. aside from the fact that i still don't know what a "full of jerks" is supposed to be, i think the very idea of having a more fair competition by getting less people to vote is what scientists would call a "load of crap". :lol:

Well, I actually kind of agree with the guy. What he wants is a "closed group opinion" - which is just as scientific as any other opinion-based poll, mind you. If we make the assumption that the maker of the poll wanted ONLY the opinions of the regular users of the chat-forum, then we are now practically ruining his nice idea by coming from OUTSIDE of his/her intended target-group and casting our votes. Of course, if that wasn't against the intentions of the poll-maker, there's no reason to complain.

You know, a similar case would happen if someone from here decided to "lobby" against some song in the DT-song-survivor - he could play that single song for his granny and her 30 friends, plead them to join UM and to vote for that one song (I'm making the assumption here that elderly people don't like DT at all), saying that all their other songs are nice folk-ballads (and here I assume that grannies like folk-ballads). I wouldn't tolerate such behaviour.

Luckily none of us here would go so low as to call his/her granny to help... I hope. :eek:

@villain: i looked around and didn't find any evidence that the maker of the polls wanted to keep them confined to the regulars on the chat forum. besides, there's been no rush from this board to the chat forum to vote: most of those who did vote used to check the threads anyway. the only reason why dt won by such a high difference is they were fighting against a band very few knew anything about.
so no, there was no reason to complain for some regulars from over here taking the opportunity to vote for some bands, especially since the sample of regulars on the chat forum is not equally representative of people from all the boards on um.

besides, there have been complaints about the results being somehow drugged, but we're still talking about voters who picked the option they liked the most, right? they weren't complete strangers tipped off by sleazy dt fans. except for my family, of course. :p
