Vote for Evergrey- A touch blessing - at MTV Headbangers ball

Sorry no vote from me because I hate all MTV stands for..........sorry.
BTW I can't get the heavy part of MTV on my cable provider anyway.
MTV2 is a different channel ?

All I know is that in holland there is MTV which is actually Rap,Hip Hop, Trance and Nu-Metal all the time.
The other dutch music channel "TMF" does basically the same.

I never watch MTV or TMF because of this.
It seems governemnt has banned metal. :ill:
NGC 3370 said:
Sorry no vote from me because I hate all MTV stands for..........sorry.
BTW I can't get the heavy part of MTV on my cable provider anyway.

that's a lot of bull, I cant even see the chanal but that didnt stop me from voting twice on Evergrey. Because that's what basically matters. Whatever your reasons, Wer're not like the first ones trapped in the 'consumers society', the 'crap music club', 'exploited femals' or just big totally annoying big companies that pretty much rules our normal day anyway in this world.

Sorry, I would seriously love to hear your reasons in another context. This though, is all about Evergrey, and making more people aware about the quality and kick ass music they create, do and perform.

That's enough for me anyway, it would be dam fuckin' great if they win! :)

stay grey
and heavy
I hate eMTyV, too, but voting for quality music might just show them that there are people out there that wanna hear something other than Britney, Jessica, and Beyonce, and that metal does not = Fred Durst.

Change can be good, right? ;)
peza said:
that's a lot of bull, I cant even see the chanal but that didnt stop me from voting twice on Evergrey. Because that's what basically matters. Whatever your reasons, Wer're not like the first ones trapped in the 'consumers society', the 'crap music club', 'exploited femals' or just big totally annoying big companies that pretty much rules our normal day anyway in this world.

Sorry, I would seriously love to hear your reasons in another context. This though, is all about Evergrey, and making more people aware about the quality and kick ass music they create, do and perform.

That's enough for me anyway, it would be dam fuckin' great if they win! :)

stay grey
and heavy

I don't have to explain myself to you or anyone else and I am obviously not a fan boy(girl) like most of you seem to be. Lets just say people watching mtv will not appreciate this kind of music because they just like to feed on whatever is handed to them on a big shiny plate and then move on in the next new fad. I don't give a damn if the station plays one or two great songs out of a whole days play because when it comes down to it I will never watch a show that disrespects not only women but musicians with the crud they play. BTW I wouldn't vote for Evergrey anyway because I think the new cd stinks. Sorry if any band members read this but your other cds were way, way better.
*signals a cabana boy with a mop and sends him to clean up the bad attitude that just spewed all over the floor*

My concern is that the multiple votes are wasted, because MTV will discount anything over 1 from the same IP. I suspect a LOT of people are doing the same thing for their favorite bands, too. ;)
jaimek said:
*signals a cabana boy with a mop and sends him to clean up the bad attitude that just spewed all over the floor*

My concern is that the multiple votes are wasted, because MTV will discount anything over 1 from the same IP. I suspect a LOT of people are doing the same thing for their favorite bands, too. ;)

I don't think so. To log you need to store the ip, somewhere: lets say a text file. Imagine 1 million people vote.
1000000 * 4 = 4000000 bytes
1024 bytes = 1 MB
4million / 1024 = 3906.25 MB ~ 3GB

I don't think MTV buys another harddisk or anything for this. So keep voting :)
We get digital tv on the 24th of december so then I can watch the program on the 25th.
In The Netherlands the mtv channel is awfull. And TMF (The Music Factory) is accually TNF (The my pals Factory). But with digital tv we also get annother metal channel.
christmaschild said:
We get digital tv on the 24th of december so then I can watch the program on the 25th.
In The Netherlands the mtv channel is awfull. And TMF (The Music Factory) is accually TNF (The my pals Factory). But with digital tv we also get annother metal channel.

I'm from the Netherlands aswell. I know TMF and MTV stink.

About digital tv, is it somehow linked with digital telephone, or is it the Mr Zap stuff?