vote for your fave song off the album/single

Vote for yer fave song from the new album/single

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I've voted for My Twin, but i really like the whole album. So my absolute (gun pointed to head) best track from this album is My Twin.
after having listened to the album for a few months now, I love July the most, easily. the only song from TGCD which i really don't like at all is Leaders, clearly te weakest track here.
Might not really be a fitting live song, but Code Against The Code is one hell of a good song.

I dont get at all why people like July so much. It's a good song but not better than most of the others on the album.
I`m still not massively pushed about any of the tracks on the album. My favourite so far is Leaders, but the album still hasn`t clicked with me.

Someday (hopefully soon), i will listen to it and just be blown away by it, but that hasn`t happened yet.
I don't think it could ever realistically be a single and would struggle to remain part of a song list for a live play, but 'Increase' is the most artistic song off the album.

Jonas is the only singer alive I know who has the voice to help create a transparent crystal clear atmosphere.
But the whole song is just so artistic, the intense heaviness proceeded by the slower heavy melanchlic riffs.. Insane

I spose Leaders is logically a song to release and play in concert.:OMG:
I voted Dissolving Bonds, Soil's Song and Rusted.

I am completely obsessed with Dissolving Bonds, it's such a great song. I listen to it several times every day. Actually the first time I heard it was not the original version, but Unicorn and BloodySwan's acoustic cover. An amazing rendition indeed..

Just as a side note, Jonas will be featured on Swallow the Sun's new album called Hope, due out on February, be sure to check it out..
Definitely Dissolving Bonds, everytime I listen to it, I got shivers in my back and I couldn't help to stop headbanging even on the public bus~lol
everythings in Dissolving Bonds are so perfect!