vote for your fave song off the album/single

Vote for yer fave song from the new album/single

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" knuckles turn white"

The best two tracks from TGCD are Follower and Deliberation:rock:

all songs from the 'TGCD' album except Consternation & The Itch

and Code Against the Code really kicks ass!!!
i still don't like 'Leader' that much. 'The Itch' and 'Follower' are also below the high level of the other songs.

'July' has grown not only to my favourite song off TGCD but also to my absolutely favoourita Katatonia-song.

so i'd rank the songs off TGCD and the singles this way (from best to least good):

1. July
2. Deliberation, Soil's Song, My Twin, In The White, Journey Through Pressure
3. Dissolving Bonds, In The White remix, Code Against The Code
4. Rusted, Increase, Displaced, My Twin remix
5. Follower, The Itch
6. Leaders
I didnt' notice that I could vote for several songs and voted for the one I mostly like - "Rusted" ((.. but I'd say I love not less the "July", "Journeys throught pressure".
But to say the truth all songs are amazing. Too many masterpieces to choose only a couple...
I've voted for Deliberation, Increase, The Itch.

Soil's song, In the white, July are great too, but have been voted by too many kata-fans.

Increase is the best song concerning lyrics.
The Itch is so underrated that's why I voted it instead of others that I like more that this, ''systematic violence, the great cold distance'' and the rombotic alike effects behind, that fit perfect with the song.
Deliberation, I wouldn't have voted for that, as the single is already out, and the song appears on most gigs, but I couln't resist, it's just so great.

The whole album kicks ass, within every listens, it gets even better. ALL , the songs are great, but I think that increase, the itch are so underated, and I should give my vote to them.
"The Itch" has grown on me so much since I first bought the album. I thought it was just not a very good song, and now I think it is a strong point on the album. I really do like this song. It just took some time for me to pick up on it. This is not to mention the break in this song. What an amazing part of the album .....2:24 - 2:56

Beautifully amazing.
i've always loved the itch! it reminds me of an intense fever brought on by withdrawing from a drug
Increase!! I wonder why so few have voted for it <_<
Journey through pressure and In the White are other fave candidates.

Deliberation is the least good song from the album imo.