crom aka boris said:
wuahah....hope you behaved yourself in the vip area..haha
Boris, we hope so as well, can't remember too well. Hopefuly we didn't make two asses of ourselves. Thanks much for your help, much appreciated. We owe you one.
Tranquillian said:
Hey guys. Great to meet you. I will upload pics asap. Thanks for the beers Belgar (or was that Thomasz?
It was awesome meeting you as well, and your friend (Silent Bob). You're one funny focker

Where have u disappeared, we were looking for you.
Patric said:
......... I had to go back to Hamburg. But it was a fucking great time partying though maaaan remember destruction and how i scared that chick away asking her name 3 times?
im in denmark with congicate right now and we'll continue drinking tonight oooh laaa baby
Patric, it was a pleasure you one crazy dude. Stay sober and take it easy man. Eat them vegetables.
Belgar & Tomasz
Wednesday the 4th of August 2004, nearly there.
Friday the 6th from left to right;
Daniel (Tranquillian) - Tomasz - Patric (in there somewhere) - Tobias (Pat's friend)
Here we have the three gay amigos/losers/nobodies with better well known three bodies from AA. (Congicate is right of Johan S(ilence man)
eeehhh, no comments, we don't remember this one being taken
Hootie and the Blowfish cover band.