
Taliesin said:
No it's a special ticket with special conditions. Ah well just see if you can get it, even though by now I guess it's too late. They only have a small amount of them per day and conncetion

Dude, from where are you traveling? I'm still looking for a fellow-Wackener.
I'll definately be at Wacken! And Sonya's coming as well, as far as I know.

So-called "Wochenendticket" at the weekend (5 people, about 30 Euros, only regional (=RB, RE) trains, valid for the whole of Germany, and ONLY FOR ONE DAY, NOT THE ENTIRE WEEKEND!!) and on weekdays, there's the same thing, but they're only valid for one "Bundesland" (one of 16 parts of Germany). For your information, Wacken is in Schleswig-Holstein. The Schleswig-Holstein Ticket is also valid in Hamburg which is a Bundesland of it's own. For the regional tickets, there are also version for one operson only that cost only 15 Euros.

Edit: Just found out: Schleswig-Holstein Ticket is also valid at the weekend now.

You'd need a Niedersachsen ticket. Hannover is in Niedersachsen, and the Niedersachsen ticket is also valid in Hamburg. The Niedersachsen ticket is, however, not valid at the weekend. (-> Wochenendticket)

Any more questions? :grin: Or did I completely confuse you now? Hope I didn't...
In case you wanna find out more:


@ Taliesin: It's gonna be my fifth :p
Well, it would be more cruel if it turns out i can't go, because i have the hopes of going and i bailed out on another totally awesome festival (Earthshaker) because I can only afford to go to one. So if I can't go, I'm gonna kill myself :)
^ You chose right, and you better be there! :loco:

@Maili: thx for info, I think I'll just get those regular 30 € IC tickets and fuck that crap
I will be there if there is ANYONE who will accompany me. And so far, no-one's volunteered. I want to settle it this week.
So any Germo's who come near Venlo, Düsseldorf or whatever, post here, pm me or mail me, 'cause I'm fucking desperate.
Heavenscent said:
I will be there if there is ANYONE who will accompany me. And so far, no-one's volunteered. I want to settle it this week.
So any Germo's who come near Venlo, Düsseldorf or whatever, post here, pm me or mail me, 'cause I'm fucking desperate.

Go to Earthshaker!! ;)
Heavenscent said:
Dude! Gavin, how are you traveling? If you say by plane, I'm gonna have your nutsack in a petridish
Except when your going to Düsseldorf :p

Flying from Stockholm to Hamburg and getting train to wacken with Ralf