
Celtic dudes and dudettes definitely know how to party!
(Never been to Scotland unfortunately, but I've been to Ireland a few times and it ruled;))
Sister Of Sorrow said:
yeeeheeeah u celtic supporters :loco: , let's get wasted and watch teräsbetoni :hypno: ..oh noes, not again :erk: ...
anyways, WACKEN will be calling us on wednesday :kickass:

Hahahha, you're gonna experience my falsetto at it's hardest at teräsbetoni gig :loco:
See ya on wednesday :)
If i manage to go there somehow (lately everything went wrong.....) I'm expecting a HUGE teräsbetoni-fanboy-party.HELL YEAH! ;)
I'd give my left testicle to get Jarkko Ahola's voice LOL (well... in fact if I really lose it I'd probably get his falsetto anyway :loco: )
Ralf said:
I'd give my left testicle to get Jarkko Ahola's voice LOL (well... in fact if I really lose it I'd probably get his falsetto anyway :loco: )

He doesn't sing in falsetto so it would be someone else's falsetto you'd be getting :lol:
CadalMord said:
He doesn't sing in falsetto so it would be someone else's falsetto you'd be getting :lol:

I just want to sing Metallisydan just the way he does :loco:
Lanterns said:
Dudes, if u want falsetto. Just ask Dani "Borderline-Retarded Squealing Teletubby" Filth what he did with his nuts...ew. :ill:

That's not falsetto.

That there wasmy first ever UM post from Denmark.
Alright dude so it ain't exactly falsetto but still, it's high-pitched, VERY high pitched male vocals. And quite annoying ones at that.
Whatcha doin' in Denmark btw?
Falsetto....is that like the asstard from The Darkness and that annoying song used for torturing people...I Believe in a Thing Called Love????:ill:
Lanterns said:
Alright dude so it ain't exactly falsetto but still, it's high-pitched, VERY high pitched male vocals. And quite annoying ones at that.
Whatcha doin' in Denmark btw?

waiting for my flight to oslo.

And falsetto doesn't just mean "high", it is high, but it is when the voice doesn't have to power to project it due to weak chords so it sounds wank.
So....it's not The Darkness....but it is...in a way...but not the "I -have- to -grab- my balls- to- sing" kind of way....hmmm...thanks for the correction Gav and safe journey to Norway!!
Your nerves are probably gonna make you go like this :Puke: ! Hopefully not! Remember to chew gum to keep your ears from popping!:)