Wagner Sharp VST - free tube guitar preamp by Nick Crow

Sounds amazing! thanks for that plug - like a real amp...
Great work man! Is it based on a Bogner preamp right?

Thanks for sharing it! Sounds very good to me!

Just a suggestion, is it possible to add some numerical reference (i.e. show the frequency value) when tweaking the Low and Hi Cut and the Mid Frequency knob?
I tried combining your preamp with Revalver. Here's a quick sample (nevermind the drums and the extremely sloppy playing, just wanted to demonstrate the guitar tone): http://www.syliin.com/jarkko/Wagner Rev MKII EOHA.mp3

It's three tracks of guitars. 100% L & R are GuitarSuite Tubescreamer -> Revalver [Noise gate -> VST host module with Wagner Sharp -> Kitty poweramp -> RIR with Guitarhack's impulse] -> Waves C4. The center track is just TS -> Revalver [Noise gate -> Kitty red channel -> RIR] -> C4.
Voxengo's free "Boogex"-Guitarampsim-PlugIn does allow to use just its Cabinet impulses if you turn the "Dry Pre Cab" knob to zero dB and the Amplifier Output down.


Combined with the Wagner Preamp: goodness :headbang:
I was going for a darker sound.
Four tracks of rhythm guitar, after four bars the bass kicks in, the last four bars there's a little solo (of course also courtesy of the wagner-plugin), spiced up with a cubase's mod delay.

http://www.serotone.de/mp3s/wagner test with voxengo speakersim.mp3

All the best!
This is a great amp sim! Right up there with the Kitty amp on Revalver MKii. Thanks for sharing with us!

Dogman, that sound you got is really close to the sound I'm wanting to use on my new material, but I'm completely terrible at dialing in sounds. Do you mind telling me settings? Did you use the Boogex impulses, or use the awesome GuitarHacks?

This ampsim is amazing. Really damn good job on it man. I like it better then Revalver to be honest.
damnit...i've been meaning to try this for days, but my main guitar took a poopy on me, and i refuse to play the other one until it gets new pickups
