Wagner Sharp VST - free tube guitar preamp by Nick Crow

Sound fucking good! like a real amp!, I tryed it with guitar hack impulses and it do a killer job!
Voxengo's free "Boogex"-Guitarampsim-PlugIn does allow to use just its Cabinet impulses if you turn the "Dry Pre Cab" knob to zero dB and the Amplifier Output down.


Combined with the Wagner Preamp: goodness :headbang:
I was going for a darker sound.
Four tracks of rhythm guitar, after four bars the bass kicks in, the last four bars there's a little solo (of course also courtesy of the wagner-plugin), spiced up with a cubase's mod delay.

http://www.serotone.de/mp3s/wagner test with voxengo speakersim.mp3

All the best!

i really liked the sound you got can you share the patches or settings (details)for the wagner and Boogex.....thanks:headbang:
did you turn the quality knob all the way to the right? when i turn that to the right it takes up about 75% but im running on a piece of shit but still. an impulse plugin for me takes like 10-20%.
i really liked the sound you got can you share the patches or settings (details)for the wagner and Boogex.....thanks:headbang:

Of course!
First I "cheated" a little by bringing up the gain a whopping 15 dB by means of Cubase's Dynamics Plugin. Just set the compressor to neutral settings and use the makeup gain. Of course theres lots of other ways to get a neutral sounding boost, you could use your favourit eq-plugin with all the bands untouched for example. The Dynamics Plugin was just handy as I could also utilize its noisegate. Next came the Wagner, then the Boogex Speakersim.

You can see the exact settings in all their glory on this pic:

wagner settings.JPG

As somebody else pointed out a little cut in the mids and some more serious cut in the highend can futher improve the tone.

Hope this helps, all the best!
That's pretty nice, tried it out last night. I've always wondered how programs can be modeled to emulate hardware. Care to give a dummied down explanation of how its done? I do have a little bit of programming knowledge in Java, C++, Perl, and some python. What I know is all pretty basic, but I just can't seem to wrap my mind around how code and algorithms can do such amazing feats.
HELL YEAH, man i have to say i think this plug actually smokes guitar rig and revalver! :kickass: thanks alot and keep us updated on anything else you develope:headbang:
Nick Crow has changed the skin, due to copyright problems, cause the original image was taken from the Revalver 2 Bassamp